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Msg ID: 2716216 Bristow starting pay +0/-1     
1/8/2022 12:27:23 PM

Whats Bristows starting pay for small ship guys?

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Msg ID: 2716226 Bristow starting pay +4/-3     
Author:Cajun Carl
1/8/2022 1:23:54 PM

Reply to: 2716216

Whatever you negotiate. And you should negotiate high, because each step 'increase' is way behind inflation. You are basically getting a paycut each year...

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Msg ID: 2716228 Bristow starting pay +5/-4     
Author:negotiate high to
1/8/2022 1:33:24 PM

Reply to: 2716226

get more money. screw the rest of his malarky. inflation rates vary. never heard of a pay scale based on inflation probably because one doesn't exist. the pay may not keep up with inflation but a pay increase is a pay increase. a lot of companies don't give raises at all. to say you're getting a pay cut is idiotic nonsense uttered by a moron.

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Msg ID: 2716261 Bristow starting pay +5/-0     
Author:Cajun Carl
1/8/2022 5:40:15 PM

Reply to: 2716228

And people wonder why pay is so low in the helicopter industry... it's because of losers like this guy.

Obviously inflation varies year to year, but the commonly accepted average is about 3% per year. Anyone with half a brain is looking for a pay increase of at least 3.5% a year.

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Msg ID: 2716457 Bristow starting pay +0/-0     
Author:What they said
1/11/2022 7:02:09 AM

Reply to: 2716261
Back in the day, at a different colored helicopter company, we used to get a pay raise (step increase) and also they gave us a cost of living adjustment mid year to adjust for increased cost of living. ... As it should be. A step increase isn't supposed to be an attempt to keep you up with inflation, its supposed to increase your quality of life as you continue to work with the company. Using the posted scale and the actual inflation rates, the pay should have went up at least $15,000 to keep up with the last 5 years cost of living (for a step one IFR captain). The actual pay increase on the chart is way less than half of that. So, the argument that a step increase is supposed to offset inflation doesn't hold any water. Plus, for those that are at the top of the scale, they are effectively losing money every year they work. I only use the last 5 years in this particular case because we haven't gotten a cost of living adjustment for several years. I know.... A company can't pay money they don't have, bankruptcy, etc... But, as an employee, in an ideal world, I would expect to increase my quality of life the longer I work for a company, not have a harder time paying the same bills. I don't think that is unreasonable to ask.

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Msg ID: 2716458 Bristow starting pay +1/-0     
Author:Another way
1/11/2022 7:33:08 AM

Reply to: 2716457
Lets look at this another way. Using actual numbers, and knowing there will be no pay scale adjust or inflation adjustment, I've got another 20 years or so flying left (with the major assumption that there will still be this type of flying then). I look at the pay scale and it says it tops out at $143,750. That doesn't look so horrible. But when adjusted for inflation (based on historical data), that $143,750 will only be equivalent to $93,041 in today's dollars. Happily spending a career to bring home less buying power than when you started is insane

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Msg ID: 2716509 Bristow starting pay +0/-0     
1/11/2022 12:34:19 PM

Reply to: 2716458

Guys are in the mindset of working for their money their whole life. What is your mindset?

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Msg ID: 2716559 Maybe not being a wage slave after a successful career? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Just guessing
1/11/2022 4:51:59 PM

Reply to: 2716509

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Msg ID: 2716568 Bristow starting pay +0/-0     
Author:I have
1/11/2022 5:46:12 PM

Reply to: 2716509

A good idea what you mean by wage slave. But I am not sure. Could you define what you mean? 

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Msg ID: 2716619 Bristow starting pay +1/-0     
1/12/2022 5:15:56 AM

Reply to: 2716568
My mindset is to have a carreer that I love and make enough money to retire before I'm too old to be able to enjoy retirement.

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Msg ID: 2716621 Retire and send chain emails and text to people +0/-0     
Author:Who I think… care what I’m doing
1/12/2022 5:21:42 AM

Reply to: 2716619

With my family for the remainder of my life?

The 407 Pilot 


your chain emails get deleated immediately on sight 

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Msg ID: 2717075 Bristow starting pay +0/-0     
1/14/2022 7:24:45 PM

Reply to: 2716226

Buying power has to increase.

I remember late sixties through the eighties.  Almost no pay raises at all.

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