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Msg ID: 2716133 Difference +1/-5     
1/7/2022 3:09:03 PM

between advocacy and inquiry can create the ultimate outcome, one way or the other.

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Msg ID: 2716150 Difference +0/-0     
Author:Turd toot
1/7/2022 6:52:16 PM

Reply to: 2716133

Someone just completed their annual CRM training.

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Msg ID: 2716269 Difference +1/-0     
1/8/2022 6:50:53 PM

Reply to: 2716150

years ago!

Be surprised how many pilots know the definition difference but no idea they're not practicing it appropriately.


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Msg ID: 2716580 Difference (NT) +0/-0     
1/11/2022 6:56:12 PM

Reply to: 2716269

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