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Msg ID: 2715845 Me and my Apache  +5/-0     
Author:Comrade 06
1/5/2022 8:45:45 PM

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Msg ID: 2715852 Me and my Apache  +1/-7     
1/6/2022 1:57:51 AM

Reply to: 2715845
Everyone should watch Apache Warrior. It truly shows how hopeless the Air Cav is. Millions of dollars in destroyed equipment and no enemy losses.
Yet in thee end the major declares the mission a success.

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Msg ID: 2715854 It’s True +6/-3     
1/6/2022 6:22:51 AM

Reply to: 2715852

Since 1946, The Army ain't been about winning battles or winning wars. It's been about winning Big Buck Defense Contractors to milk the people's tax money into the pockets of the Rich. 

The Money gets spent and the Soldiers die and the Country goes down down down and the Rich put the Money in the Bank and that's it. 


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Msg ID: 2715856 It’s True +3/-2     
Author:Pretty Simple Eh!?!!!!
1/6/2022 6:59:03 AM

Reply to: 2715854

If that's how you feel, leave! Truth!!!

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Msg ID: 2715937 hmmmmmm +0/-0     
1/6/2022 2:38:15 PM

Reply to: 2715856

That's not how I feel about it, Muchacho.

That's the way it is.

....So, what *you* are recommending is that I not only just stand by while my Country is screwed out of existence by the Banksters, but run out on it while they do it--eh?

Well no Thanks.

I think I'll stay around and protest what the Rich are doing to MY Country as long as can...before they put me in the jug against the Constitution.

Why do *YOU* Hate America??

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Msg ID: 2715963 hmmmmmm +2/-0     
Author:how you "feel" has
1/6/2022 4:04:05 PM

Reply to: 2715937

nothing to do with reality.

The 60's are over, your side lost.  Socialism is a failed system, the jury is in. 

If you want to whine about the "man" trying to keep you down, have at it.  You're not relevant but certainly free to carry a sign and ring a bell.


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Msg ID: 2716163 You always find fault with me +0/-0     
1/7/2022 8:30:44 PM

Reply to: 2715963 can't find fault with the things I say.


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Msg ID: 2716008 hmmmmmm +0/-0     
1/6/2022 5:48:42 PM

Reply to: 2715937

you've been on the down-low for awhile. longer sentence this time?

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Msg ID: 2716036 hmmmmmm +0/-0     
Author:hear me roar
1/6/2022 11:47:24 PM

Reply to: 2716008

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Msg ID: 2715904 It’s True +2/-1     
Author:and the rich and the banks
1/6/2022 12:29:26 PM

Reply to: 2715854

re-invest the money, spend the money, and ultimately it ends up in paychecks.  Take a look at your 401K if you're curious about where it went.

Get an education and turn off CNN.

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Msg ID: 2715939 Maybe *YOU* should get an education +0/-1     
1/6/2022 2:40:59 PM

Reply to: 2715904

If you check what's actually happened, instead of what Fox told you...or, more accurately, what they *didn't* tell you...Trickle Down has been a Con Job.

Wages have stayed flat for over forty years. Corporations are awash with cash. Most of the obscene profiteering from the Wars and the COVID have gone to stock buy-backs, not wages or anything that benefits the Country or the People or anything, really, except the pockets of the Fat-Cat Rich.


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Msg ID: 2715946 Maybe *YOU* should get an education +1/-0     
1/6/2022 3:15:42 PM

Reply to: 2715939

More value to the market, or workplace, and quit being a postal worker. No excuse for government to take over private sector. The federal government is the expert at squandering and wasting money, returning pennies on the dollar. They have perfected trickle down to seep down, and flood up, mostly in debt that future generations will be saddled with. 

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Msg ID: 2716013 Me and my Apache  +1/-0     
1/6/2022 5:57:37 PM

Reply to: 2715852


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Msg ID: 2716072 FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER +0/-1     
1/7/2022 10:08:19 AM

Reply to: 2716013

FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER.....can't wait to hear all the FT RUCKER stories from 40yrs ago....get over it....

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Msg ID: 2716130 FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER +2/-0     
Author:Ft Wolter’s was more
1/7/2022 3:00:51 PM

Reply to: 2716072

fun.  Rucker was tiring, but nothing compared to Vietnam.

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Msg ID: 2716144 FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER +1/-1     
Author:Mother Rucker
1/7/2022 5:02:12 PM

Reply to: 2716130

Was very very good to me.

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Msg ID: 2716162 All of the local fat karaoke bar girl regulars know (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Your first & last name too
1/7/2022 8:23:02 PM

Reply to: 2716144

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Msg ID: 2716174 All of the local fat karaoke bar girl regulars know +0/-0     
1/7/2022 10:13:34 PM

Reply to: 2716162

Favorite watering hole was the menopause manor.

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Msg ID: 2716195 FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER +0/-0     
1/8/2022 8:22:05 AM

Reply to: 2716072

Soon to be renamed to honor some protest snowflake I'm sure. 

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Msg ID: 2716270 FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER, FT RUCKER +3/-0     
1/8/2022 7:01:44 PM

Reply to: 2716195

easy for history, good or bad, is allowed to be rewritten and destroyed by millennials and liberals.  Unbelievable how little push back this juvenile behavior gets.  Talk about empowerment.

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Msg ID: 2716300 Settle down snowflake (NT) +0/-0     
1/9/2022 11:22:25 AM

Reply to: 2716270

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Msg ID: 2716318 Me and my Apache  +1/-0     
1/9/2022 5:58:22 PM

Reply to: 2715845

ancient machines, but still deadly, both of them.

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