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Msg ID: 2715099 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +1/-1     
Author:Unless camera slowed it down.
12/28/2021 5:39:11 PM


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Msg ID: 2715106 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +2/-0     
12/28/2021 6:34:04 PM

Reply to: 2715099

I agree, easy to confirm based on the aircraft maintaining altitude for a few moments too after the failure which means collective stayed up and I wouldnt be surprised if it was raised a bit too.  Fairly accurate to what OEM's say regarding how fast RPM will decay and blades stopping if no action taken, very sad but a very good video to show student pilots regarding loss of RPM after an engine failure and how quick a reaction is needed, especially when you have a bunch of pitch pulled in vs already decending.  Very few videos out there showing that, there is one played at the Robinson course but it only shows the aircraft in freefall with blades stopped.  There are a few RPM droop videos or botched bottom end of the auto but none like this.  

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Msg ID: 2715116 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +0/-2     
12/28/2021 8:54:59 PM

Reply to: 2715106

Pilot error, and I hope they were the only one onboard. This was extremelly survivable, but poor reaction and or experience followed him to his death.

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Msg ID: 2715118 hard to say, rotor rpm vs camera frame (NT) +1/-0     
Author:rate can be deceiving
12/28/2021 9:11:22 PM

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Msg ID: 2715119 Clean frame rate +0/-1     
12/28/2021 9:25:48 PM

Reply to: 2715118

A 206 blade doesn't run into the frame rate frequency problem as 3-4 bladed vids.  

High inertia rotors like the 206 have a "little" more room to wait to put the collective down, but once it goes down it's hard to get it back up (and he didn't give it any aft cyclic at all).  

An XP buddy told me that once you get below 70% RPM no amount of flat pitch can bring it back... not sure if that's true or not but he's way smarter than me.  


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Msg ID: 2715120 Better link +0/-0     
12/28/2021 9:26:40 PM

Reply to: 2715099

OP: Gotta hit "enter" after pasting to make it into a hotlink.


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Msg ID: 2715121 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +0/-0     
12/28/2021 9:27:19 PM

Reply to: 2715099



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Msg ID: 2715132 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +1/-0     
Author:Pilot Engineer
12/29/2021 6:41:52 AM

Reply to: 2715121

Probably this one:


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Msg ID: 2715155 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +0/-0     
Author:camara stuff
12/29/2021 11:34:05 AM

Reply to: 2715132

He'd of been falling faster than that with the apparent Nr.

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Msg ID: 2715171 Four killed (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Splash 06
12/29/2021 12:34:16 PM

Reply to: 2715155

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Msg ID: 2715258 Four killed  +1/-1     
Author:206 IP
12/30/2021 8:54:01 AM

Reply to: 2715171

So Instructed in 206's for too long now. Viewing the video right pedal was applied soon after engine failure . (left yaw followed immediately to trim condition ie right pedal) This lady appears to have some decent experience, it wasnt her first rodeo. Based on the quick yaw correction/ reaction then why the newbee lag in down collective?  

My gut suspicion....something was blocking the collective. cammera? bags? mag light? . Hoping they sifted through the wreck with crime scence skills, no biases .... looking for the potential for flight control interferance.

God speed to them all.

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Msg ID: 2715262 Doubt that. Natural reaction. Short final, engine quits, helo starts (NT) +0/-0     
Author:falling, pull collective.
12/30/2021 9:34:20 AM

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Msg ID: 2715302 Four killed  +1/-0     
12/30/2021 4:17:37 PM

Reply to: 2715258

I always use the area under the collective, after I raise it, for bag storage.

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Msg ID: 2715303 Four killed  +0/-0     
Author:yeah, you sure sound
12/30/2021 4:23:30 PM

Reply to: 2715258

like an experienced 206 IP. lol Do all 206 instructors spell at the third grade level?

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Msg ID: 2715320 Four killed  +0/-2     
Author:by the way she pushed the
12/30/2021 6:08:19 PM

Reply to: 2715258

right pedal you could tell she'd been to a lot of rodeos but leaving her hair dryer under the collective was a rookie mistake

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Msg ID: 2715280 Check the Puff of Smoke.  +0/-0     
12/30/2021 12:32:37 PM

Reply to: 2715121

Puff of smoke out the right side of the engine deck at about 6 seconds into the video.

Uncontained turbine failure??

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Msg ID: 2715282 Check the Puff of Smoke.  +0/-0     
Author:An explosion and
12/30/2021 12:45:13 PM

Reply to: 2715280

A yaw to the left.

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Msg ID: 2715835 Check the Puff of Smoke.  +0/-0     
1/5/2022 8:22:41 PM

Reply to: 2715282

Engine failure.

Collective position.

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Msg ID: 2716494 Counting blades. Doubt that was survivable.  +0/-0     
1/11/2022 11:09:38 AM

Reply to: 2715099

  to watch.  Seems like no collective reduction following engine failure or rollback.  Maybe scared to death, literally.

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