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Msg ID: 2714941 Phi should pay their employees  +7/-2     
Author:Instead of moderators to remove the
12/26/2021 7:24:08 PM


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Msg ID: 2714942 Wah (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Cry bb
12/26/2021 7:31:34 PM

Reply to: 2714941

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Msg ID: 2714943 PHI pays +4/-2     
Author:My check came Thursday
12/26/2021 7:33:58 PM

Reply to: 2714941

I grossed $125k this year for flying an Astar in an extremely easy to fill base, below step 10. Don't know what your issue is.

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Msg ID: 2714947 PHI pays +7/-4     
Author:PHI Pay
12/26/2021 9:37:56 PM

Reply to: 2714943

And just how many work over shifts did you cover? Just asking since I'm a SPIFR 135 driver in a metropolitan area who is a few steps over you. Still made over 6 figures but not to the extent you did. So, you either work over quite a bit, or you're full of sh*t. 

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Msg ID: 2714950 PHI pays +1/-3     
Author:proud of you
12/26/2021 9:45:55 PM

Reply to: 2714947

I'm proud of you! Is your call sign PHI Heavy super pilot. sad you have to pull soo much OT to make 100. Any one of us could be a be a big SPIFR guy but location what takes us the the old 407 of Astar

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Msg ID: 2714951 PHI pays +1/-1     
Author:PHI pay
12/26/2021 9:57:29 PM

Reply to: 2714950

As far as the "heavy super pilot" reference the answer is no. As far as location, you are correct. It depends on where you want to be and the airframe that is available. I was referring to the previous poster disclosing of his/hers, they/thems wages. Apparently, I over estimate the gall and self esteem of this group. 

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Msg ID: 2714954 I didn't count them, but I'm gonna guess 42ish? +1/-1     
12/26/2021 11:17:03 PM

Reply to: 2714947
I'm in a nice metro area and shifts at my base are easy. The money's there if you want it, this year I wanted it. While I agree that I hope they increase the scale next year and don't shaft us on step raises, it's not like it's all doom and gloom either.

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Msg ID: 2714983 I didn't count them, but I'm gonna guess 42ish? +1/-0     
Author:not nice
12/27/2021 1:27:36 PM

Reply to: 2714954

I've been hoping for next year for four years in a row 😭

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Msg ID: 2714959 PHI pays +0/-0     
Author:base pay
12/27/2021 8:15:11 AM

Reply to: 2714943

I will ask also, what is your base pay. 

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Msg ID: 2714984 PHI pays +0/-0     
12/27/2021 1:29:33 PM

Reply to: 2714959


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Msg ID: 2714987 $85k +1/-0     
12/27/2021 1:51:09 PM

Reply to: 2714959
~30k in OT and ~10k in misc other income between holiday pay, incentive pay, safety bonus, etc...

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Msg ID: 2715021 PHI pays +1/-0     
Author:every year benefits cost your step
12/27/2021 9:10:17 PM

Reply to: 2714943

you had to work an extra two

months at premium then or your a check airman 

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Msg ID: 2715070 $50 a check for health/dental +0/-1     
Author:Is that too much?
12/28/2021 11:39:14 AM

Reply to: 2715021
Employee only. Wife works and has her own insurance. Ez

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Msg ID: 2714955 Phi should pay their employees  +3/-0     
Author:If Someone
12/27/2021 1:23:05 AM

Reply to: 2714941

Started a new forum, and didn't moderate like they do here, would you go to it?

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Msg ID: 2714957 Phi should pay their employees  +3/-0     
12/27/2021 2:24:55 AM

Reply to: 2714941
So what you've saying is 7 years without a wage adjustment is ok even when insurance goes up 5-7 percent every year bubba.

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Msg ID: 2714999 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +5/-3     
12/27/2021 4:35:56 PM

Reply to: 2714941

The PHI posts get removed because it is the same few who keep posting/starting the threads.

You have made your point but want to continue using this forum as your personal platform.  There comes a point when it is time to move on.


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Msg ID: 2715008 I'll drink to that! (NT) +1/-1     
12/27/2021 8:04:34 PM

Reply to: 2714999

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Msg ID: 2715052 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +3/-0     
Author:why it’s same people
12/28/2021 8:50:32 AM

Reply to: 2714999

it gets restarted because the thread never gets to play out longer than 10 hours 

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Msg ID: 2715054 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +2/-0     
12/28/2021 8:57:34 AM

Reply to: 2715052

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Msg ID: 2715055 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +5/-4     
Author:you entitles cry babies
12/28/2021 8:59:51 AM

Reply to: 2715054

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Msg ID: 2715072 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +1/-1     
Author:The internet, radio, tv, cell phone
12/28/2021 12:26:18 PM

Reply to: 2715055

Land line, microwave, and other spectrums are public airwaves. If anyone muzzles any of them, it is the present day equivalent of muzzling the town crier in the town square, who is standing on his soapbox voicing his opinion, unassailed.

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Msg ID: 2715074 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +1/-2     
Author:okay snowflakes
12/28/2021 1:09:51 PM

Reply to: 2715072

you are free to broadcast anything your heart desires on your website, etc. but you can't force anybody to give you and your shi*ty opinions a platform. Sorry, snowflakes.

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Msg ID: 2715077 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +1/-2     
Author:nothing is keeping you from
12/28/2021 1:16:42 PM

Reply to: 2715072

broadcasting on any airwave. you just have to use your own microphone. nobody has to let you use theirs. see you on the street corner. lol

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Msg ID: 2715158 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +1/-0     
Author:You Have
12/29/2021 12:02:04 PM

Reply to: 2715077

To be naive or ignorant, or both, to see that free speech isn't as pretty as you want it to be. If you value free speech, you have to take all of it. Not your sanitized version of it. Your sanitized version of it is censorship. By definition.

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Msg ID: 2715178 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +0/-0     
Author:non fiction novelist
12/29/2021 1:25:47 PM

Reply to: 2715158

 I have no idea what you're trying to say. I would say it's the very definition of something.

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Msg ID: 2715223 Phi should pay their employees - ANSWER +0/-1     
Author:Reading or language skills aren’t
12/29/2021 7:46:12 PM

Reply to: 2715178

Your strength. You will have to put in a lot of hard work, just to get to weak skills.

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Msg ID: 2715007 Phi should pay their employees  +1/-1     
12/27/2021 7:50:07 PM

Reply to: 2714941
PHI will be all contract maintenance within 9 months

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Msg ID: 2715009 Phi should pay their employees  +3/-0     
12/27/2021 8:17:06 PM

Reply to: 2715007

jeeze    there's only about 1 mechanic per 5 aircraft 

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Msg ID: 2715247 Phi should pay their employees  +0/-1     
12/30/2021 6:18:24 AM

Reply to: 2715009

lol, speeking as a PHI A&P in the feild, that is a full on lie, Now tha man power is lacking but that is a gross exaggeration!

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