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Msg ID: 2714872 RTAG and Old Timers... GO! GO! GO!!! +2/-4     
12/25/2021 8:08:26 PM

So the news says the 3rd largest problem with the economic recovery is early retirement numbers... so a shortage of workers. 

So if you old guys would gladly retire and you young guys will jump on RTAG and switch to the airlines quicker maybe I can see more cash because I'll finally be a "limited skilled quantity" pilot that will surely be deserving of better pay, right?

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Msg ID: 2714874 RTAG and Old Timers... GO! GO! GO!!! +1/-0     
Author:no doubt
12/25/2021 9:04:57 PM

Reply to: 2714872

you are a limited skilled quantity

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Msg ID: 2714878 RTAG and Old Timers... GO! GO! GO!!! +1/-0     
Author:Not True
12/25/2021 11:06:47 PM

Reply to: 2714874

Hey are a limited skilled quality pilot. Unemployment is what you deserve.

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Msg ID: 2714879 RTAG and Old Timers... GO! GO! GO!!! +0/-1     
Author:Old time worker
12/25/2021 11:15:56 PM

Reply to: 2714872
So please do tell? What are large problems one and two? That’s a rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

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Msg ID: 2714892 Wouldn't that create a shortage of workers in the helicopter industry? (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Easy fix: extend pilot age to 70
12/26/2021 7:46:52 AM

Reply to: 2714872

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Msg ID: 2714953 Easy - close a dozen or two EMS bases +0/-0     
12/26/2021 10:31:03 PM

Reply to: 2714892

No more pilot shortage!

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Msg ID: 2714996 Easy - close a dozen or two EMS bases +0/-0     
12/27/2021 4:03:51 PM

Reply to: 2714953

I took "limitied skills" to mean something else.  All of us old farts, that can still pass a medical are coming back into the work force under the defination " Highly Skilled".  Move over Sonny !!

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Msg ID: 2715015 It's coming! (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Don't be surprised when it does
12/27/2021 8:48:17 PM

Reply to: 2714953

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Msg ID: 2715031 Wouldn't that create a shortage of workers in the helicopter industry? +0/-0     
12/27/2021 11:25:08 PM

Reply to: 2714892

You're truly not that naive?!

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Msg ID: 2715122 Less pilots means increase in pay to retain those or bring in new meat (NT) +0/-0     
12/28/2021 9:32:40 PM

Reply to: 2715031

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Msg ID: 2715842 RTAG and Old Timers... GO! GO! GO!!! +0/-0     
1/5/2022 8:31:26 PM

Reply to: 2714872

What a fine up standing young fellow you are.  Just I magne working with an opportunistic parasite, it'll be like gazing in to a mirror.

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