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Msg ID: 2714762 The Real Fred Flintstone +2/-5     
12/24/2021 10:41:53 AM

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Msg ID: 2714805 The Real Fred Flintstone +0/-0     
12/24/2021 6:57:16 PM

Reply to: 2714762

Charlie Bravo that owns the place down in Leesburg, Florida?


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Msg ID: 2714835 Nope +0/-1     
12/25/2021 9:51:35 AM

Reply to: 2714805

He went by the name "Dr. Michael Dean"  He was a hypmotist in San Diego about thirty years ago.  He would put on shows where he took members of the audience and made them do crazy things.  Very entertaining.  There are pictures of him where he looks exactly like Fred Flintstone.  

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Msg ID: 2714877 The Real Fred Flintstone +0/-0     
12/25/2021 11:03:30 PM

Reply to: 2714762


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