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Msg ID: 2713323 Tomato - Tomahto +3/-4     
Author:Gimme a list!
12/11/2021 8:45:26 PM

Hmm... Pilot words:

Enroute ("Enr-ow-t" vs "En-root")

Scenario ("Scen-ah-rio" vs "Scen-ay-rio")

Data ("Day-ta" vs "Da-ta")

Pitot ("Pee-toe" vs "Pee-tot")

Pilot ("Pie-lut" vs "Pee-lot"

Helicopter ("Helicopter" vs "Airplane" vs "Chopper" vs "Copter" vs "Heli" vs "Helo" vs "Bird" vs "Ship")


On a more random note: how about the people who say "matoor" for "mature"?  Do they also say "futoor (future)", "natoor (nature)", "departoor (departure)", etc.?  


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Msg ID: 2713326 Tomato - Tomahto +2/-0     
Author:George Carlin
12/11/2021 10:17:50 PM

Reply to: 2713323

Has a whole rif on words in the English language.

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Msg ID: 2713327 Tomato - Tomahto +0/-0     
12/11/2021 11:17:24 PM

Reply to: 2713323

Herd or Heard?


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Msg ID: 2713335 I pity flight students that have to learn English +4/-0     
Author:An Army Guy
12/12/2021 8:29:40 AM

Reply to: 2713323

Poor saps...

This vid is hilarious and shows just why we need to have patience with non-English speakers:


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Msg ID: 2713441 It’s all a “mute” point…. (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Moot guy
12/13/2021 1:55:36 PM

Reply to: 2713323

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