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Msg ID: 2712996 Bird, Swine, Spanish +6/-2     
Author:truffle butter
12/8/2021 6:06:21 PM

Looks like the flu is back this winter. So glad it decided to take the last two years off, can't imagine how bad things would have been with covid running around AND the flu happening all at once....



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Msg ID: 2713002 I'm suspecting +2/-1     
Author:deep sarcasm
12/8/2021 6:38:26 PM

Reply to: 2712996

in this post

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Msg ID: 2713043 Bird, Swine, Spanish +2/-1     
12/9/2021 4:08:31 AM

Reply to: 2712996

I think I am Boosted Plus for the Flu, I got the oldster flu vax last year when there was no flu and got the oldster flu vax early in the season this year.  The oldster flu vax is for those 65 and up and is four times the potency of regular flu vax.


I could probably go to the flu ward and kiss all the flu patients on the lips and not worry.  I am impervious!

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Msg ID: 2713064 You are just a sick puppy +0/-4     
Author:there, pops
12/9/2021 11:16:11 AM

Reply to: 2713043


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