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Msg ID: 2711164 TV commercials  +4/-1     
11/19/2021 11:03:30 AM

Anyone else noticed a commonality to pretty much every TV commerical/voice actor over since about....May of last year?  


relax..its just a question. 

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Msg ID: 2711169 TV commercials  +8/-0     
11/19/2021 11:54:27 AM

Reply to: 2711164

interracial couples.

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Msg ID: 2711171 TV commercials  +0/-0     
Author:If You Mean Beta Males Who Are
11/19/2021 11:59:30 AM

Reply to: 2711164

Really omega males, then yes, I have noticed.

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Msg ID: 2711183 TV commercials  +3/-2     
Author:News Hound
11/19/2021 2:22:01 PM

Reply to: 2711164
Commercials, movies, print advertisements, streaming channels all trying desperately to show a culture that doesn’t exist in real life.

Relax it’s just an observation.

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Msg ID: 2711184 TV commercials  +3/-1     
11/19/2021 2:45:41 PM

Reply to: 2711164

Drug after drug & the side effects are as bad or the same from the drug you're taking for the ailment!

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Msg ID: 2711219 TV commercials  +2/-0     
Author:Rip V. Winkle
11/19/2021 6:11:54 PM

Reply to: 2711184

How about the Jeffery Epstien look-alike, swimming, in a drug commercial !  Of course before he hung himself  (wink, wink )!!

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