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Msg ID: 2710351 so I dyed my hair and got the job ! +8/-1     
Author:Red Adair
11/11/2021 10:26:52 AM

So I apply for numerous jobs. I'm well qualified and everything goes well until the Zoom meet. After every online interview I get the ominous email containing those heartfelt words...' we are pursuing another candidate at this time ' 

So having been blessed with redlocks, I can feel the GingerPhobia in the room. So next time, I decide to black my self up ( hair ) and guess what...I got an offer !! I can't wait to show up and be naked crimson me !


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Msg ID: 2710352 Make, Female or Unknown (day by day)? +18/-1     
11/11/2021 10:39:49 AM

Reply to: 2710351

Male - Red headed step-child usually immigrant from the UK or Ireland.

Female - Evil Witch use to getting her own way by manipulating the power of her pvssy & fake breast commonly known as the Legacy Multipass Chick Pilot.

Unknown - Wokesters of today.

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Msg ID: 2710359 Make, Female or Unknown (day by day)? +7/-0     
Author:Duchess of Cornhole
11/11/2021 11:27:14 AM

Reply to: 2710352

Prince Harry? That you?

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Msg ID: 2710390 Make, Female or Unknown (day by day)? +4/-0     
11/11/2021 4:37:35 PM

Reply to: 2710359

Sir I don't know who you are but I laughed out loud.

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Msg ID: 2710413 so I changed my sex and got the job ! +6/-1     
Author:climbing the ladder
11/12/2021 12:22:37 AM

Reply to: 2710351

So I couldn't get any job promotions at my current job, or any job offers for utility jobs with no utility time, or even multi engine jobs with no experience!!  So I changed my sex from a boy to a girl and.... I GOT THE JOB!! 

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Msg ID: 2710455 And now you'll be harassed +0/-2     
Author:By almost every pilot you see
11/12/2021 11:21:58 AM

Reply to: 2710413

Worth it?

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Msg ID: 2710437 so I dyed my hair and got the job ! +1/-0     
Author:Your hair
11/12/2021 10:05:55 AM

Reply to: 2710351

 color may be your choice but an employer has its choices as well.

Pretty simple.  They don't like the hair, or your beard, or your stature, or your manner of speech, or choice of clothing etc., then, they get to say yes, or no.  

What's the difference?

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Msg ID: 2710439 so I dyed my hair and got the job ! +1/-0     
Author:Your hair
11/12/2021 10:06:05 AM

Reply to: 2710351

 color may be your choice but an employer has its choices as well.

Pretty simple.  They don't like the hair, or your beard, or your stature, or your manner of speech, or choice of clothing etc., then, they get to say yes, or no.  

What's the difference?

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Msg ID: 2711090 so I dyed my hair and got the job ! +0/-0     
11/18/2021 12:33:52 PM

Reply to: 2710439

So good you posted it twice

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