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Msg ID: 2709842 Navigational issues' a major factor  +1/-0     
Author:R116 helicopter crash
11/5/2021 7:13:38 AM


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Msg ID: 2709852 Navigational issues' a major factor  +0/-0     
Author:A good read
11/5/2021 10:39:22 AM

Reply to: 2709842

How many companies out there have IFR procedures that are not periodically flight checked? How many IFR procedures are just a let down to a point in space then have a significant visual portion to the landing site?

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Msg ID: 2709853 Navigational issues' a major factor (NT) +0/-0     
Author:A good read
11/5/2021 10:40:06 AM

Reply to: 2709842

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Msg ID: 2710020 Navigational issues' a major factor  +0/-0     
Author:Grandpa Pettibone
11/7/2021 9:05:08 AM

Reply to: 2709842

Wow.  Gotta make you angry no matter what side you're on. 

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