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Msg ID: 2709746 Honey I think you are +2/-1     
Author:getting ripped off
11/4/2021 2:21:51 AM

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Msg ID: 2709754 I think you shrunk the kids (NT) +0/-0     
11/4/2021 8:36:44 AM

Reply to: 2709746

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Msg ID: 2709787 I hope this isn't news to you +0/-0     
Author:But if it is
11/4/2021 2:14:05 PM

Reply to: 2709746
Welcome to the party!

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Msg ID: 2709789 I hope this isn't news to you +0/-3     
Author:It’s Pretty Disgusting To Run The
11/4/2021 2:21:06 PM

Reply to: 2709787

Numbers. At current interest rates on so called safe investments, you can expect 2% annual returns. $1,000,000.00 in bonds at 2% will yield $20,000.00 yearly. That's not even $2,000.00 per month income. You might be able to add a bit of social security to that, if it is still solvent when you try to collect. Maybe you even have some military retirement to add to the mix. Unless you are debt free, and can avoid debt in retirement, you will have some very tough sledding. It will be no picnic even if you are debt free. My Step Father is subsiding in an urban area in the northeast on $1,000.00 per month. Good luck everybody.

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Msg ID: 2709790 I hope this isn't news to you +1/-1     
Author:say wut
11/4/2021 2:39:29 PM

Reply to: 2709789

you still have a million dollars that (listen to this) YOU CAN SPEND as most people do not live forever you stupid idiot. and the word is subsisting. JH seriously has some of the dumbest people in America. your father is even stupider than you are

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Msg ID: 2709791 I hope this isn't news to you +1/-1     
Author:For Most People Who AREN’T
11/4/2021 2:53:42 PM

Reply to: 2709790

Idiots, the million dollars (you don't even have) is called principal. The risk of spending principal is twofold. Depending on your expenses, and your longevity (most people seriously underestimate it) you could easily outlive it. Then where are you, you idiot? The other is estate considerations, and passing wealth on to loved ones. Obviously you don't have any. Most idiots like yourself don't.

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Msg ID: 2709803 I hope this isn't news to you +1/-0     
Author:your the idiot
11/4/2021 5:19:24 PM

Reply to: 2709790

you tard

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Msg ID: 2709795 All in bonds?  +3/-0     
11/4/2021 3:07:46 PM

Reply to: 2709789
Who in their right mind is 100% in bonds? If that is your investment strategy please hire a financial planner to take 1% of your assets annually because you will STILL be better off. Is this why helicopter pilots are so broke and never retire? My goodness. S&P 500 has returned ~10% before inflation, ~7% after inflation. Chances are pretty high if you are a bit flexible with your withdrawal rate you can take 4% annually and make your money last for at least 30 years.

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