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Msg ID: 2709566 I’m enjoying a ‘Dirty Ba$tard’ from Foundry Bwerey +1/-2     
Author:Man, it’s good!
11/1/2021 7:01:37 PM


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Msg ID: 2709567 That’s Founders Brewery! Hey, 8.5%, (NT) +0/-0     
Author:What can I say?
11/1/2021 7:07:43 PM

Reply to: 2709566

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Msg ID: 2709570 I’m enjoying a ‘Dirty Ba$tard’ from Foundry Bwerey +6/-2     
Author:Utility flyer
11/1/2021 7:58:09 PM

Reply to: 2709566

 Interestingly Dirty Ba$ard is my name around the hangar.  Maybe because I believe that old rumor that the fire retardant properties can wash out of a flight suit. Going on 3 years without washing mine.

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