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Msg ID: 2709515 Raises are not a reward for great work... +0/-3     
11/1/2021 9:05:04 AM least at some companies; certainly far from all.

More work is the reward for great work. Raises are only given to stop anyone else from walking out the door.

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Msg ID: 2709522 "someone else" who is evidently doing... (NT) +0/-0     
Author:great work.
11/1/2021 10:40:34 AM

Reply to: 2709515

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Msg ID: 2709528 Raises are not a reward for great work... +1/-2     
Author:Has to be the air carrier guy
11/1/2021 11:14:27 AM

Reply to: 2709515

Who else would post something this stupid 

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Msg ID: 2709534 Ridiculing a sweat shop may not be the stuff of MENSA... +0/-1     
11/1/2021 12:58:33 PM

Reply to: 2709528
...however, being easily trolled is uniquely stupid. Where you sit is where you stand. Either you've never worked for a garbage company or you run one.

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Msg ID: 2710950 Ridiculing a sweat shop may not be the stuff of MENSA... +0/-0     
11/17/2021 5:18:15 PM

Reply to: 2709534

 think current companies are garbage, you should have started in civil ops in the late '60s.


Horrible experience.  Nothing but A-class A-holes in operations management.

Maintenance wasn't bad.

Definitely encouraged pilots to move on.

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Msg ID: 2710122 Raises are not a reward for great work... +0/-0     
11/7/2021 10:02:25 PM

Reply to: 2709515

you make it to the other side and figure it all out.

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