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Msg ID: 2709379 LOL Chevron hiring pilots for the GOM again  +8/-2     
Author:Not an aviation company
10/30/2021 5:46:41 PM


Can't they use Bristreaux pilots as cheap fill-in labor like in the past? 

Msg ID: 2709397 LOL Chevron hiring pilots for the GOM again  +10/-1     
Author:your not Era anymore
10/30/2021 7:20:08 PM

Reply to: 2709379

There are no Bristeaux pilots, only Era pilots. And Chevron would use boats before using Era.

Msg ID: 2709430 I’m pretty sure using that Bristreaux pilot  +12/-3     
Author:Experiment to do their dirty work
10/31/2021 1:48:39 AM

Reply to: 2709397

or flights that Chevron pilots don't want still goes on.  They just make Bristreaux pilots cut the grass or cook.

Msg ID: 2709414 Talk about a toxic place to work (NT) +7/-0     
Author:That would be Chevron
10/30/2021 9:27:32 PM

Reply to: 2709379

Msg ID: 2709422 Talk about a toxic place to work  +5/-1     
10/30/2021 11:18:46 PM

Reply to: 2709414

I worked there for a few years, couldn't stand the toxicity. The PMP system causes pilots to backstab each other just to get a higher ranking and a measly pay raise.

Msg ID: 2709457 Talk about a toxic place to work  +1/-3     
10/31/2021 12:45:13 PM

Reply to: 2709422

Let me re-phrase that for the JH readers, "You were let go when it was time to pick the low hanging fruit!"

Msg ID: 2709460 Talk about a toxic place to work  +4/-1     
Author:pick the low hanging fruit
10/31/2021 1:02:57 PM

Reply to: 2709457

does not mean what you think it means. the pilots are generally arrogant weirdos plus it's a pretty uncomfortable atmosphere. offshore is the worst flying job there is, though. I don't care how much they pay you.

Msg ID: 2709462 Talk about a toxic place to work  +2/-0     
Author:Helicopter Pilots Are Not The Same
10/31/2021 1:06:58 PM

Reply to: 2709460

As fixed wing pilots. Compare this site to a fixed wing forum.

Msg ID: 2709469 Error A Bristreaux Company will still be the  +12/-1     
Author:Red Headed Stepchild
10/31/2021 2:01:05 PM

Reply to: 2709422

of Chevron.  

Break day - Chevron pilots off at noon.  

Bristreaux pilots pick up the slack on break day & finish Chevron flights at around SS then get to break.

Ain't the GOM grand?

Msg ID: 2709668 LOL & Bristreaux pilots do all that and get (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Paid less
11/3/2021 1:51:10 AM

Reply to: 2709469

Msg ID: 2709676 Once we finished our crew changes at  +5/-0     
Author:Bristreaux we got sent to Chevron
11/3/2021 6:33:16 AM

Reply to: 2709469

to finish their crew changes so their pilots could be off and break.  Then once all that was done, we at Bristreaux were allowed to break after we flew all the way back to our home base.  

Let's Go Brandon (Bristreaux Legacy) 

Good F'ing riddance!

I hope Legacy management still getting their Christmas Bonuses and the Quarterly Safety Bonuses they took away from us as terms of their boot kick outta of the company.

Msg ID: 2710732 Error A Bristreaux Company will still be the  +1/-0     
11/15/2021 7:32:11 PM

Reply to: 2709469

Chevron hasn't used contract helicopters in years, you've hung onto this bitterness for a long time.

Msg ID: 2709490 LOL Chevron hiring pilots for the GOM again  +0/-0     
Author:Can’t They Use Solar Panels On
10/31/2021 7:59:04 PM

Reply to: 2709379

Helicopters as cheep green energy?


Msg ID: 2709563 LOL Chevron hiring pilots for the GOM again (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Toxic atmosphere indeed
11/1/2021 6:38:53 PM

Reply to: 2709490

Msg ID: 2710952 LOL Chevron hiring pilots for the GOM again  +0/-0     
11/17/2021 5:19:53 PM

Reply to: 2709379

   they're far too exclusive.  Friend flew for them back in the 70s/80s.  Lot of flying back then.  Enjoyable, but he moved on as soon as possible.  Something about living in a swamp.
