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Msg ID: 2709321 why would anybody fly HAA (NT) +5/-1     
Author:for less than $100k?
10/30/2021 9:48:36 AM

Msg ID: 2709329 When unions go wrong... +3/-5     
Author:Oh jeez
10/30/2021 10:19:06 AM

Reply to: 2709321

They actually hold an entire industry's pay back because they themselves are the lowest bidder.  Complete opposite of what they should be doing.  

Msg ID: 2709333 When unions go wrong... +4/-2     
Author:above post
10/30/2021 11:24:31 AM

Reply to: 2709329

doesn't make sense

Msg ID: 2709336 Pretty sure it means union jobs should be highest paying +0/-3     
Author:Not lowest
10/30/2021 11:55:15 AM

Reply to: 2709333


Msg ID: 2709338 Pretty sure it means union jobs should be highest paying +0/-2     
Author:they usually are
10/30/2021 12:04:02 PM

Reply to: 2709336

you didn't get that from the post, though. what does lowest bidder mean 

Msg ID: 2709341 It means when the industry's union is not highest payer (NT) +2/-0     
Author:it holds everyone down
10/30/2021 12:35:48 PM

Reply to: 2709338

Msg ID: 2709345 It means when the industry's union is not highest payer +0/-2     
10/30/2021 1:06:38 PM

Reply to: 2709341

it's the other way around. unions always bring up everybody else's pay, too. first I ever heard somebody say unions bring the pay down but I'm guessing contradicting facts is all you can do. you would think employers would welcome unions with open arms if that were true. I wonder why they don't. lol

Msg ID: 2709347 Reading comprehension +1/-0     
Author:You don't have it
10/30/2021 1:10:10 PM

Reply to: 2709345

I'm not taking an anti union stance, I'm taking an anti-bad union stance.  How does a Union that has contractually obligated subpar pay "bring everyody else up?"  Everybody else can water down their pay because of the union's inability to provide upward pressure.

Msg ID: 2709631 Reading comprehension +0/-0     
Author:Are you making more than a union pilot
11/2/2021 6:03:04 PM

Reply to: 2709347

If the union company pay was so bad, all the other non-union companies would be paying boat loads more to draw pilots.  Guess not.

Msg ID: 2709639 Last I checked if you're starting at more than 73 (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Then you're making more
11/2/2021 6:48:55 PM

Reply to: 2709631

Msg ID: 2709808 When unions go wrong... HEMS and esp. PHI +1/-0     
Author:amazon pays $30 / hour no drug test
11/4/2021 7:17:53 PM

Reply to: 2709333

If you think unions wont benefit pilots look at ALPA , organizing and not accepting the shi* pay. Problem is more than half our industry just uses it as a second income and is so politicaly motivated against unions they won't team up with their fellow pilots to make things better. PHI pilots are the worse. Most PHI pilots talk union protection but when asked if they pay the $16 dues they say no the union is horrible. Well if you don't join it will stay horrible and PHI will continue to take things from you and raise benefi cost 30% plus per year. Teamwork in the industory is the only way we'll make this career a fair wage job. Curretly HEMS is a fun job if you like interfacility transfers at 3am for $35-40 per hour while your nurse does twice that working 7 days a month. 

Msg ID: 2709339 Because helicopter pilot's want a job flying helicopters (NT) +0/-0     
10/30/2021 12:13:33 PM

Reply to: 2709321

Msg ID: 2709344 Because helicopter pilot's want a job flying helicopters +1/-0     
Author:yeah but
10/30/2021 1:00:44 PM

Reply to: 2709339

airplane pilots seem to want to fly airplanes but they have a union and get paid a lot so I guess not so simple

Msg ID: 2709354 Because helicopter pilot's want a job flying helicopters +1/-3     
10/30/2021 1:57:37 PM

Reply to: 2709344

The Airlines are also subsidized by the Federal Government , your not.  They are considered a 2nd airforce in a time of conflict and must be kept in a state of readiness.   

Msg ID: 2709355 Still doesn't explain why their pilots top out at 350+ (NT) +0/-0     
Author:And nowadays we're capped near 100
10/30/2021 2:01:41 PM

Reply to: 2709354

Msg ID: 2709416 Still doesn't explain why their pilots top out at 350+ (NT) +0/-0     
Author:You said Tree Fiddy!!!!!!!
10/30/2021 10:20:29 PM

Reply to: 2709355

Msg ID: 2709417 Just for you buddy (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Loch ness
10/30/2021 10:29:21 PM

Reply to: 2709416

Msg ID: 2709365 Because helicopter pilot's want a job flying helicopters +2/-4     
Author:the airlines are not
10/30/2021 3:10:41 PM

Reply to: 2709354

subsidized by the government. they are kept in a "state of readiness" by flying paying passengers every day you nut and they are not considered a second air force either. good lord

Msg ID: 2709408 Size matters! (NT) +0/-0     
10/30/2021 8:29:52 PM

Reply to: 2709365

Msg ID: 2709589 Because helicopter pilot's want a job flying helicopters +0/-0     
Author:holy cow...
11/2/2021 10:02:27 AM

Reply to: 2709365

You really are a special kind of special.  The government does subsidize the airlines, rail, gas, stock market, etc.

Just because they deregulated the airlines does not mean that they don't get tax breaks and right off the other people can't get. That is why you only see new airlines starting up that have a parent company and not a brand new company.

The government does this and uses crony capitalism to keep people out.  If there was less regulation and more opportunity there would be lower prices and better serves.  

The same goes for HAA companies, they get federal money that prop up to many bases and that intern leads to the problem we have today.

To many bases, low pay, low hour requirements higher accidents rates.  All because the individual can't argue for whats best for him or her.

Take a basic economic class online or YouTube it for free.

Msg ID: 2709736 The government subsidized helicopter compa is too +0/-0     
Author:(FEMA, EMS, HBS, CBA, ....)
11/3/2021 8:50:19 PM

Reply to: 2709589
A lot of money moves from your pocket via faxes to helicopter companies via subsidies every month!

Msg ID: 2709616 why would anybody fly HAA +2/-0     
Author:If you
11/2/2021 3:49:12 PM

Reply to: 2709321

 want to fly helicopters in the civil environment and HAA jobs fit your circumstance you'll take what you can get and go from there, or forget it and do something else.  Pretty simple.


