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Msg ID: 2707353 Gmr Union? +1/-2     
Author:Spit balling
10/14/2021 3:23:07 PM

I know I am in for a s storm but I will try to get some info anyway. 
First is the union worth it for air methods? I know you can't make everyone happy but overall, how is it?

Secondly, GMR is now huge with all the smaller companies under it. Is it worth ALL of us, mtc,reach, air evac, the fixed wing pilots to get better pay and better benifits. Could we join reach in there CBA?

spit balling

Msg ID: 2707355 Gmr Union? +3/-1     
Author:The OPEIU Is An Office Professional
10/14/2021 3:27:39 PM

Reply to: 2707353

Union. Their expertise is in office professionals. They know nothing of pilots, aviation, or anything aviation related. Now if you could organize with a union like ALPA, you might have something that you would be satisfied with.

Msg ID: 2707359 Gmr Union? +0/-0     
10/14/2021 3:38:38 PM

Reply to: 2707355

I contacted them and asked if they represented rotor wing. They say nope. 
great minds think a like

Msg ID: 2707361 Gmr Union? +7/-3     
Author:we know
10/14/2021 3:48:47 PM

Reply to: 2707355

it doesn't matter if they know anything about aviation. Business is business for the most part. Not all Teamsters drive a truck. In case you haven't noticed, here are no unions that only represent helicopter pilots. The ALPA would be awesome but why would they bother with a bunch of nitwit helicopter pilots.

Msg ID: 2707363 Gmr Union? +1/-3     
Author:Not A Resounding Testimonial
10/14/2021 4:05:39 PM

Reply to: 2707361

For a union, to be sure. Your satisfaction with such a union would be least than satisfactory. Some might even say flagrant.

Msg ID: 2707381 Gmr Union? +0/-3     
10/14/2021 6:42:15 PM

Reply to: 2707363

Crawl back into your hole

Msg ID: 2707391 Gmr Union? +2/-0     
10/14/2021 7:17:50 PM

Reply to: 2707381

Retired now and was able to have a great career without a union.  I just can't see the logic in having another level of supervision in my work and have to pay for it.  

Msg ID: 2707452 Gmr Union? +1/-0     
Author:it's not a level of supervision
10/15/2021 11:15:15 AM

Reply to: 2707391

at all. what?

Msg ID: 2707492 Well, yes it is. Someone between me an upper management is (NT) +0/-0     
10/15/2021 4:30:09 PM

Reply to: 2707452

Msg ID: 2707453 Gmr Union? +0/-0     
Author:some would say flagrant
10/15/2021 11:16:45 AM

Reply to: 2707363

like some that don't know the meaning of the word flagrant lol

Msg ID: 2707377 Gmr Union? +1/-0     
Author:New AMC Pilot
10/14/2021 6:04:56 PM

Reply to: 2707353

So far I have enjoyed the Union. While the rest of airmethods lost their vacation and 401k benefits ours remained. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos fear unions and there is a reason for that. 

Msg ID: 2708040 The rest of AMC got it all back and then some! Pilot's missed +1/-1     
Author:out on that gratitude!
10/19/2021 9:26:00 AM

Reply to: 2707377

Msg ID: 2707395 Gmr Union? +1/-2     
Author:Utility flyer
10/14/2021 8:23:25 PM

Reply to: 2707353
Union foolishness may work in HEMS but in my case I get paid a great deal more than others in my company because I can do more. Power line is my niche but I can easily do fire and off shore hoist. I am proficient with several airframes.
Why shouldn’t I make much more than a much less experienced pilot? I’m happy negotiating my own pay and benefits.

Msg ID: 2707397 GMR could organize under OPEIU Local 109. Largest air medical union (NT) +1/-1     
Author:In the WORLD!! FACT
10/14/2021 9:04:48 PM

Reply to: 2707353

Msg ID: 2707429 Under 109? That would be stupid since they are under OPEIU (NT) +0/-0     
Author:It's Ike JetBlue organizing under United
10/15/2021 8:04:36 AM

Reply to: 2707397

Msg ID: 2707435 Not a fact. Local 109 is a local of OPEIU, and not a "union" in of itself (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Nothing but big egos and sophomores
10/15/2021 8:37:02 AM

Reply to: 2707397

Msg ID: 2707955 109 is the BIGGEST and most EXPERIENCED air medical union in the WORLD (NT) +0/-0     
Author:FACT!! You’re welcome.
10/18/2021 11:53:58 AM

Reply to: 2707435

Msg ID: 2708013 Gives back to selected individuals, not to everyone! +0/-0     
Author:If you are giving back, you should do so
10/18/2021 8:05:10 PM

Reply to: 2708007
automatically to everyone you took it from! Especially those agency fee payers you are steeling from!

Msg ID: 2707399 Union saved wages, benefits, sick-vacation, 401k and much MORE during COVID (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Union Strong and Proud
10/14/2021 9:10:41 PM

Reply to: 2707353

Msg ID: 2707406 Union saved wages, benefits, sick-vacation, 401k and much MORE during COVID +3/-0     
Author:Yeah ok
10/14/2021 9:49:26 PM

Reply to: 2707399
Cant wait to see what ol' 109 will voluntarily give up on the next contract!

Msg ID: 2707417 BEST contract they have bargained last time with FULL back pay and increase (NT) +1/-1     
Author:In pay and benefits! Save ur lies
10/15/2021 12:04:21 AM

Reply to: 2707406

Msg ID: 2707937 What about current pilots not being able to have they pay brought to standa +0/-0     
10/18/2021 10:32:45 AM

Reply to: 2707417

Msg ID: 2707448 Union saved wages, benefits, sick-vacation, 401k and much MORE during COVID +2/-2     
10/15/2021 10:55:42 AM

Reply to: 2707399

So Med Trans, PHI, Metro... all just hosed their pilots in the last two years...

Metro pay raise a year 4%.... AMC 3.2%....

Metro safety bonus..... AMC None...or wait Bravo Points...

Give me a break with the Union poo.... The Union is only good for New Hires, and people who don't like to work.  Good employee that are loyal to a company get hosed by the Union.

If you have been at AMC for more that 10 years straight, you have been hosed by the Union.

Pilots that are hired now get paid almost the same as a 10 year pilot due to the fact those 10 year pilots worked through the years there was no contract.  Because the Union did not get retro pay or bring up the pay scale for those pilots we have fallen off.


Msg ID: 2707456 FALSE. Here’s the truth  +3/-2     
Author:Metro v. AMC
10/15/2021 11:37:48 AM

Reply to: 2707448

Metro 4% with the safety bonus, 3% without, no additional stipends or bonuses.

AMC 3.25% no safety bonus, up to $15,000 bonuses.

Metro NO geo-mods or ACCRA.

AMC up to 160% ACCRA

Metro NO workover pay for training and travel.

AMC minimum of 8 hours workover for training and travel.

Metro 5 days vacation ALL levels.

AMC 2 weeks vacation.

Metro 401k no match.

AMC 401k best match in industry.

Metro forced workover and NO base rights which means you can be forced to work anywhere, anytime.

AMC  NO forced workover and can not be forced to work anywhere but YOUR base.

Metro went over 3 years with NO raise And NO back pay.

AMC went 14 months with NO raise but got FULL back pay.

Just to name a few....

Msg ID: 2707462 FALSE. Here’s the truth  +1/-0     
Author:Some truth
10/15/2021 12:18:45 PM

Reply to: 2707456

Where do you get a 15K bonus from AMC... not a stipends that can go away, and not sign on bonus.

We have maybe 4 bases out of 350 that get 160% and that's not enough for those locations.

You must be new.  During the last three contracts with AMC we have gone multiple years with out a contract.

You did not answer the question brought up about pay.

It is truth that if you have been at AMC for more than 10 years you have been hosed.

We went almost 2-3 years without a contract in 2014, and almost a 1 and hlaf in 2009.

We should try and make any company you work for "a destination company like SouthWest."  No shortage of pilot there, and lately proving pilots can ban together for a common good.

Msg ID: 2707497 Newest Seniority List is out.... new hires are more senior (NT) +0/-0     
Author:to many despite member's desires
10/15/2021 5:21:40 PM

Reply to: 2707448

Msg ID: 2707985 PREACH +0/-0     
10/18/2021 4:13:57 PM

Reply to: 2707448
Senior amc guys going to walk if the next CBA is another AMC charity drive/corporate bailout

Msg ID: 2707463 Gmr Union? +2/-1     
10/15/2021 12:34:56 PM

Reply to: 2707353

If the union was so bad then all the other non-union companies would be hands down a better place to work, but they are not.  AMC union sets the standards and everyone else follows.  

It would be way better if all companies were unionized.  But alas, they just follow AMC.

By the way, the union was actually the best thing that ever happened to AMC.

Msg ID: 2707465 Gmr Union? +1/-0     
10/15/2021 12:56:44 PM

Reply to: 2707463

Yah setting a low standard, so other comapnies choose to set a low standard.

Msg ID: 2707775 Gmr Union? +0/-0     
Author:That's the point
10/17/2021 1:06:13 PM

Reply to: 2707465

You got it.

Msg ID: 2707777 Gmr Union? +0/-0     
10/17/2021 1:08:46 PM

Reply to: 2707463

Don't look at AMC, they just eternally doomed their pilots to a broken pay scale with that last CBA.  Going to be mass exodus if it doesn't change

Msg ID: 2707956 Bootlicker huh? +1/-0     
Author:Daddy complex
10/18/2021 11:54:49 AM

Reply to: 2707952
You couldn't be further off the mark. People will leave when their reward for company loyalty has been removed...common sense

Msg ID: 2707957 Are you a company board member?  +0/-0     
Author:No just a crab in a bucket
10/18/2021 11:57:07 AM

Reply to: 2707952
Don't force everyone to be miserable like you. If there is no incentive to stay with a company, why would you not leave for better pay
