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Msg ID: 2707282 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +8/-1     
Author:That Dude
10/14/2021 10:32:34 AM

If you look around this industry and wonder why we have so many openings.

Quality of Life,

Low pay-compared to responsibility,

Lack of professionalism,

Maybe our industry needs a culture shift... maybe Unions are not the way to go.... maybe they are...

Msg ID: 2707289 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-2     
10/14/2021 10:59:50 AM

Reply to: 2707282

not going to happen and it's only your opinion Mabuhai 

Msg ID: 2707291 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +1/-3     
Author:Med Trans
10/14/2021 11:11:11 AM

Reply to: 2707289
I'm pretty happy at Med Trans. Make a little over 100k with the stipend, good managers, good crews, easy flyin.

Msg ID: 2707311 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +1/-1     
Author:I Love It That The Home Every
10/14/2021 12:26:36 PM

Reply to: 2707282

Nighters have been all but silenced. That aspect of quality of life is fleeting at best in the HEMS sphere. They were probably management types anyway, who were trying to indoctrinate.

Msg ID: 2707313 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +1/-0     
Author:say wut
10/14/2021 12:31:30 PM

Reply to: 2707311

we just don't have any reason to talk about it bro

Msg ID: 2707314 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-0     
Author:Are You A Manager ?
10/14/2021 12:50:36 PM

Reply to: 2707313

The reason you don't talk about it is because it's pie in the sky. A sham. A hoax. Everyone knows now, so you can't get away with it. 

Msg ID: 2707346 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +1/-0     
Author:it seems real enough
10/14/2021 3:03:55 PM

Reply to: 2707314

most of the EMS pilots I know are home every night. It's the norm. You obviously don't work in EMS. I'm not sure why you think it's some kind of scam. Bases close but there are so many aircraft out there, not hard finding a slot with whoever took it over. 

Msg ID: 2707348 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +1/-0     
10/14/2021 3:06:26 PM

Reply to: 2707346

Tons of overtime to be had nowadays.  Hopefully all these snowflakes follow through and quit.  On track to make 110k this year, EMS, in the mid west!  Can't wait until all of these snowflakes vacate their positions and give the rest of us more leverage for more $!

Msg ID: 2707350 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +7/-0     
10/14/2021 3:08:46 PM

Reply to: 2707348

if you have to work tons of overtime for 110, you're working for peanuts.

Msg ID: 2707351 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +1/-0     
10/14/2021 3:12:00 PM

Reply to: 2707350

Talk to the union company bootlickers to willingly take pay cuts.

Msg ID: 2707349 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-0     
10/14/2021 3:06:56 PM

Reply to: 2707346

did the manager tell you you were going to be home every night. Nobody has ever told me that before because nobody cared where I lived. They don't care if I'm home every night or sleeping in my car as long as I show up. 

Msg ID: 2707352 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-0     
10/14/2021 3:17:58 PM

Reply to: 2707346

Do you mean 51% ? I doubt it's even that high. At my first HEMS base, I had to commute. When I left I was offered a base even farther away. At my second base, 3 out of the 4 had to commute. Then they closed that and increased my commute to 1.5 hours each way. So please, your rhetoric is merely hyperbole.

Msg ID: 2707360 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-0     
Author:that's funny
10/14/2021 3:42:13 PM

Reply to: 2707352

you're telling me what happened to you and a couple other people once but hyperbole lol. I work for a company that has about 40 pilots. I would say 3, maybe 4 at the most, commute. 

Msg ID: 2707374 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-0     
Author:You Must Be New To The Industry
10/14/2021 5:25:42 PM

Reply to: 2707360

Bases have been closing with regularity for 2 decades. Sometimes they reopen, but more often then not, they don't reopen.

Msg ID: 2707442 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +0/-0     
Author:oh really
10/15/2021 10:45:00 AM

Reply to: 2707374

bases close? huh. never knew that. lots of bases have been around many years, too. I guess I have to tell you there are more bases than ever. no guarantees in life, bro 

Msg ID: 2707370 It's always subject to change, but +1/-0     
Author:As of right now
10/14/2021 4:53:18 PM

Reply to: 2707311

... home every night. Live in the suburbs of a nice metro area, exactly where I want to be. Base is 4 miles away from me, don't fly too much or too little. Plenty of bases around to pick up OT if I want it, and I usually do. Going to clear $120k for the first time in my life (At 34), and I enjoy going to work. How many people can say that, really?

I know that there are terrible bases, and terrible areas to work, and bad this and that all over. However, it's just silly to say that there aren't some good situations out there in the HAA world. Everything's relative, amigo. Just got to find that nice green grass somewhere and water it!

Msg ID: 2707383 It's always subject to change, but +4/-0     
Author:As a matter of opinion...
10/14/2021 6:54:14 PM

Reply to: 2707370

And I hear the same propaganda over and over. You know, you have a chance to win a jackpot if you play the lotto, doesn't mean you will. Likewise, Just because somebody posts he has the dream life in HEMS, doesn't offer any probability anyone else does or will. In 10 years seeing how it works at mutiple bases for pilots and mechs, from the mechanic side, people are chewed up and spit out at record rates. Business is business, and this business is cut-throat. 

Msg ID: 2707414 It's always subject to change, but +0/-0     
Author:Class A airspace
10/14/2021 11:01:45 PM

Reply to: 2707383

All these folks bragging about "im gonna clear 100k this year" cool story bro , some overtime mixed in possibly. Guess what , there is more fixed wing jobs clearing 200k a year base salary than hems. If your young under 40, get out now!! Go fixed! 

Msg ID: 2707636 Yes, there is OT mixed in. +1/-0     
Author:Still though
10/16/2021 5:04:06 PM

Reply to: 2707414

I'd rather work a job I like, right now, that I've already trained for and currently hold, and make $120k rather than starting completely over at the bottom of the pile and maybe in 10 years have the good life again. Everyone has a decision to make, I've made mine.

Msg ID: 2707635 I'm flattered +0/-0     
10/16/2021 5:00:41 PM

Reply to: 2707383

You know, you telling me that I have the dream life makes me feel pretty good. Thanks for that!

Msg ID: 2707444 AEL, AMC, PHI, and others +5/-0     
Author:Missed the point
10/15/2021 10:45:42 AM

Reply to: 2707282

With Interest rates going up, pay stay low, having to work OT to make over 100K is not good.

Look at the difference in responsibility.

Airlines- Two Pilot, flight planning-done for you, weight and balance- done for you, pre flight - done for you, someone watching you on radar the whole time. Not to mention that they land and takeoff in a completely safe area free of dangerous things.

Remove all that and that's what a helicopter has to deal with, in any part of our industry, outside of maybe tours which is the closes to the airlines...

Single Pilot IFR, medium twin, NVG, washing and fueling your own aircraft, unimproved landings with a high degree of danger....

There is a problem in this industry for good pay, for the level of responsibility.


Msg ID: 2707826 I like you +0/-0     
Author:Good dude
10/17/2021 2:14:16 PM

Reply to: 2707444

Thank you for not being a corporate bootlicker.  As far "right" as this board is, people here have a real hard time taking big business's talking points out of their mouths.

Oh and there's that, to add to all of your points.
