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Msg ID: 2704590 BK117C2 vs D2 vs D3 Mx +0/-0     
9/21/2021 9:14:06 PM

What kind of down time and MX cost differences are there going from a EC135P2+ to either a BK117C2 D2 or D3?  I know with the 4 bladed rotor head of the C2/D2 there are added costs and downtime on its inspection.  The D3 fixes alot of that with the new 5 blade hub.  Vartoms on the C2 vs the EC135P2+ is a potential headache of course.  I feel like the EC135P2+ should be on par with the BK117D3 except for up front purchase cost.  Also any general opinions from people who have flown around the difference types, things to look out for the C2/D2/D3.  Our P2+ has been very reliable.  And yes also talking to others in the field vs just here.

Msg ID: 2704621 BK117C2 vs D2 vs D3 Mx +4/-1     
9/22/2021 12:44:36 AM

Reply to: 2704590

guys that fly those don't read the puke on this site.

Msg ID: 2704682 Which site +0/-0     
Author:An Army Guy
9/22/2021 3:07:50 PM

Reply to: 2704621

So which site do they go to?
