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Msg ID: 2700622 To the NEWB below +55/-3     
Author:The truth
8/23/2021 5:38:21 PM

I'm rated in both fixed wing and helicopters and have been flying for almost 40 years. I currently fly hell EMS, but have also flown fixed wing turboprops and jets for corporations and airline as well. I love to fly, always have and will until I can't anymore.

The bottom line to me is this:

- You make your own happiness. If you choose to be happy, the you will be, whatever the circumstances. If you choose to be disgruntled and unhappy, then you will be, whatever your circumstance.

- Every job has it's good and bad. Helicopter pilots in many cases don't make as much as their FW peers. They also aren't typically away from home as much and definately don't have 300 plus passengers that they're responsible for. Helicopter pilots do make as much as their FW peers for like positions such as EMS, charter, and corporat and make more than the regional 121 pilots. To compare a major airlines pilot pay with any of these is not a fair comparison. Trust me, the pilots at major carriers put in a lot of sweat and years and worked some low paying jobs to get where they are.

- As I mentioned earlier I've enjoyed all of the flying that I've done, although I think that helicopters are more fun. You're down where you can see things and feel like the aircraft is part of you. Airplanes are fun on the takeoff and landing, but the enroute time on the autopilot is fairly mundane.

- You will work for good and some not so good people regardless of the track you take. That's just part of working life.

- Lastly, this forum is the worst place to ask a serious question about jobs and happiness. Most on here seem very unhappy, which is a sad thing.

Do what you enjoy, make enough to pay the bills and save for retirement, have faith and a relationship with God, and everything else will work out just fine.

Go fly, have fun, and don't let others drag you down to their unhappiness.

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Msg ID: 2700625 To the NEWB below +5/-0     
Author:I agree
8/23/2021 6:14:57 PM

Reply to: 2700622
What he said worked for me, I retired after 49 years. Could have back at 30 years, but I was enjoying working.

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Msg ID: 2700627 To the NEWB below +2/-0     
Author:feel ya
8/23/2021 6:27:17 PM

Reply to: 2700622

WORD to your mama!!!

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Msg ID: 2700629 To the NEWB below +1/-0     
8/23/2021 6:58:28 PM

Reply to: 2700622

OP is right, do what's fun.  I too spent 49 years in aviation, 41 in the cockpit. Dual ATP, I knew I would be flying at 6 years old.  It was a blast.

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Msg ID: 2700630 To the NEWB below +2/-0     
Author:What they said
8/23/2021 7:29:19 PM

Reply to: 2700622

Dual rated here as well.  


You hear a lot of complaining here, because this is where grumpy people gather to complain.  

Sure, there are better paying jobs in the world.  Some pay a lot more than any flying job.  

I have some dentists in the family.  They certainly make more money than I make.  Of course...they spend their work days checking teeth and running a business.  I spend my time watching movies, reading books, and taking naps until I get the call to go FLY (and with more days off than most people)

I'll take that for $100,000/year, Alex

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Msg ID: 2700632 Finally a decent post +2/-1     
Author:Love it
8/23/2021 8:59:17 PM

Reply to: 2700622

I couldn't agree more.  If you dislike or thumbs down this post, then there's something wrong with you. 

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Msg ID: 2700636 To the NEWB below +3/-0     
8/23/2021 10:44:43 PM

Reply to: 2700622

This post should be in the JH Hall of Fame

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Msg ID: 2700638 To the NEWB below +1/-0     
8/24/2021 1:40:32 AM

Reply to: 2700622

Thanks for the honest response I really do appreciate it! I've always wanted to fly helicopters Just never took the thought to seriously because of self doubt and the fact it costs a lot. You are right every job has it's good and bad. I fight forest fires for a living and some fire crews are better then others. It comes down to the people you work with. They are either on point and excited about their job or they are just trying to get by and don't really care that much. It's sad to see, and a drag to work with/ for those kind of people.

My goal it to be around my friends in the fire service still but instead I'll be flying above their heads dropping buckets/hauling gear to those on the ground. Rignt now I'm studying all I can before fore season ends so I can make the most of my training. Thanks again for the honesty I can't tell you how much this helps me think things through. 


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Msg ID: 2700641 To the NEWB below +4/-13     
8/24/2021 7:07:53 AM

Reply to: 2700622

300+ pax?? Were you flying B777's or AB350'S cause other then those there are VERY few 14 CFR 121's LOPA's that can hold that many pax.

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Msg ID: 2700650 To the NEWB below +3/-0     
8/24/2021 10:22:59 AM

Reply to: 2700641

Why so many thumbs down. They OP asked a legit question. 300+ passengers in what model did the OP fly W/taht Cap.?? Boeing 777/ 747 or AirBus 350?

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Msg ID: 2700663 To the NEWB below +2/-0     
8/24/2021 12:29:11 PM

Reply to: 2700650

Reading in to the post.  The big thing about remuneration is economy of scale.  If ya fly 300 people you save them the time of traveling via land or boat.  Lot of human hours there.  Economy of scale, that's where ya figure out what compensation is possible.  

Offshore?  Boat rides vs the speed of helicopters.  HAA ambulance vs helicopter.  Corporate?  Moving key executives quickly gets them distributing results of meetings more quickly thus saving human hours down stream.  

Efficiency and human hours savings is where the money is.  

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Msg ID: 2700673 To the NEWB below +2/-1     
Author:Cattle Haulers
8/24/2021 1:25:12 PM

Reply to: 2700650

330, 340, 350 Airbus. Versions of the 767, DC-10, L-1011, not to mention several Russian built airliners are capable of carrying at least 300 passengers.

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Msg ID: 2700717 To the NEWB below +1/-0     
Author:So what...
8/24/2021 8:58:30 PM

Reply to: 2700650

The OP never said he/she flew 300 pax...just that you will make more $$ doing it. Simple fact. If you want a career flying helicopters you will likely make less money than your fixed wing brethern. Either way, just do what makes you happy.

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Msg ID: 2700662 To Hmmmm +5/-3     
Author:The truth
8/24/2021 12:27:31 PM

Reply to: 2700641

You seem like one of the unhappy people that I was referring to in my original post.  300, 200, 100 passengers, what difference does it make? The point was that having responsibility for a cabin full of many passengers is different.

Come on, let's change the tone of this forum. I know that there are some that just want to stir the pot, but I think there's many more that want to speak the truth. Even though there are many depressing things going on in the world we currently live in, you still can choose to be happy.  I assure you that if you have a positive attitude, not only will your family and those around you appreciate it, but it becomes contagious.

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Msg ID: 2700683 To Hmmmm +3/-1     
Author:To The Truth
8/24/2021 2:03:59 PM

Reply to: 2700662

No just the opposite.I'm very happy, love my wife and my current job is very pleasant too. I was ASKING WHAT A/C you flew W/300+ pax.  Those were your words NOT mine. I was with a Corp. flt Dept. W/GIV-SP & S76C till new CEO thought they were nice, BUT decided to shed the cost. I knew that when I left a State position. Don't regret it Xtrained from RW to FW. SO I was ONLY asking which AF you flew, nothing vulgar/nasty or insulting, a simple question. SO if it was W/300+ LOPA it was A wide body yes? 

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Msg ID: 2700651 To the NEWB below +3/-1     
8/24/2021 10:39:02 AM

Reply to: 2700622

Well said with a rational and intelligent post; and so right on the money.  I was on a a specific career path since I was a kid, working in that business starting at 12 with menial jobs.  I was able go coninue through college and the military.  Right after the military I was able to start on my real career path at the bottom.  For fun, and using my GI Bill, I was able to obtain a commercial fixed wing license, instrument and multi engine rating.  Two months into my third post-military job I was asked if I wanted the position flying the company airplane.  I did, for the next seven years.  It wasn't part of the original plan but it worked out great.  During this time I got my helo rating just on a lark, knowing I'd never use it.  Then the company bought a helicopter.  My bosses didn't know I had a rating.  When they found out, I got the job.  I flew for the next thirty-plus years and retired at 65. I had other duties as well; but it was a great adventure.  It was not always rainbows and unicorns but, all-in-all, a great career.  As the original poster said, you make your own happiness.  

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Msg ID: 2700672 To the NEWB below +5/-5     
Author:The real truth
8/24/2021 1:16:47 PM

Reply to: 2700651

The concept of making your own happiness is a fine sentiment but the reality is that helicopter aviation is full of crooks and liars. You can't just will yourself so be happy in some situations. Helicopter aviation is one of them. If you want to keep a sunny disposition, fly airplanes or stay away from aviation completely. The lifestyle of travel is not conducive to a healthy well being. EMS isn't any better. Flying helicopters is fun but the rest of it, not so much. 

OP writes:

 "Trust me, the pilots at major carriers put in a lot of sweat and years and worked some low paying jobs to get where they are."

Yeah, we know. Helicopter pilots do the same goddamn thing except there just isn't much to look forward to but a crappy schedule and a fraction of the airline pilot pay and retirement. Here the OP is at the end of his career working nights and putting up with med crews and all the rest of the idiocy that is HAA. Get a grip on reality people. Very, VERY few people will find fulfillment in that.

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Msg ID: 2700682 Amusing comparisons +5/-2     
Author:The Comparinator
8/24/2021 2:03:40 PM

Reply to: 2700622

It's funny - whenever people compare helicopter jobs to airline pilot jobs, they *always* leave out the "extras" that airline pilots enjoy.  There's union membership, for one; ALPA is a strong advocate for them.  But there are other financial benefits that come with union membership (look them up if you need to).  And let's not forget the travel benefits!  How much are they worth?  

When it comes to comparing the two jobs, there really is no comparison. Choose how you want to make your money, go for it, and be happy with your decisions.  It's your life.

Look, we fly helicopters because we are almost always control-freaks and are generally misfits who wouldn't do well in conventional jobs.  We're easily bored, which is why we think we'd hate flying for the airlines.  We also think we're good at teamwork, and we pretend that we are, as long as we're the "boss" (i.e. PIC) making the decisions. Other than that, not so much.  

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Msg ID: 2700728 Amusing comparisons +1/-0     
8/24/2021 10:04:01 PM

Reply to: 2700682

OP nailed it.  A flying job is what you make it.  Some are better than others as it is with everything.

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Msg ID: 2700747 Amusing comparisons +1/-2     
Author:Wrong wrong wrong
8/25/2021 7:07:01 AM

Reply to: 2700728

Lots of bad jobs with bad companies. Are you nuts?

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