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Msg ID: 2697128 Billionaires and their rocket toys  +12/-3     
Author:For profit
7/21/2021 4:04:26 AM

Billionaires now burning holes thru our atmosphere with trails of rocket exhaust only for big profits while at the same time brainwashing the media that it’s all for a good cause to save the planet.


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Msg ID: 2697132 Billionaires and their rocket toys  +2/-2     
Author:Be honest....
7/21/2021 4:50:08 AM

Reply to: 2697128
If given the chance, wouldn't you strap in for a 10 minute carnival ride with no responsibilities and upon return be officially recognized as an astronaut by NASA and the USAF? All for only $28M! Sign me up!!

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Msg ID: 2697134 Be honest, your internet connection svcks (NT) +3/-1     
Author:Dial up Dan
7/21/2021 5:26:04 AM

Reply to: 2697133

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Msg ID: 2697231 Billionaires and their rocket toys  +4/-0     
7/21/2021 11:06:25 PM

Reply to: 2697128
Admit it. You voted for bumbling biden?

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