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Msg ID: 2691683 The Jab +6/-2     
Author:Not The Jab Guy
6/6/2021 7:04:30 PM

Charlotte, NC — The Hippocratic Oath asks doctors to pledge “to do good or to do no harm,” often simplified to: “First, do no harm.”

For the American medical bureaucracy and pharmaceutical industry, their oath is likely “first, make profit” as more doctors, especially those that actually treat patients, are issuing warnings on the COVID-19 vaccines and are exposing the strong profit motives involved for the government-corporate alliance.

The latest number by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is reporting 3,848 deaths and 118,902 adverse reactions to the injections through April 23. VAERS is now reporting deaths among children, including a five-month-old who was breastfed by a mother who was vaccinated as well as several teenagers.

What should be noted is all of the COVID-19 shots are experimental as they have only been given emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the same FDA by the way that Judicial Watch has exposed for purchasing body parts of aborted babies specified to be killed within the first six months of pregnancy and “fresh and never frozen.”

Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the leading experts on COVID-19 treatments. He was the lead author of a study, published in the American Journal of Medicine last August, which has been cited over 600 times making him the most cited doctor by the National Library of Medicine regarding treatments.

McCullough has actually treated patients successful with medications that have long been approved to treat other viruses and diseases. The problem is, how can the government and corporations profit off drugs they don’t hold patents for? That’s why, according the McCullough, the propaganda of a vaccine being the savior has been pushed from the very start of the COVID-19 tyranny.

“So, the U.S. government has made a decision, along with the stakeholders – the CDC, NIH[National Institutes of Health], FDA, Big Pharma, World Health Organization, Gates Foundation – they have made a commitment to mass vaccination as the solution to the COVID pandemic and we are really going to be witness to what’s going to happen in history,” McCullough said in an interview.We’re sitting on, right now, the biggest number of vaccine deaths, there’s been tens of thousands of hospitalizations, all attributable to the vaccine, and going strong.

McCullough added: “A lot of Americans dont understand how tight these stakeholders are. Keep in mind the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent, so they have a vested financial interest in keeping these vaccines going.”

Typically, a new drug receives a “black-box warning,” McCullough said, when there are five deaths associated with it, and its pulled from the market after 50 deaths. In a usual year, VAERS reports 20-30 deaths to the flu shot. In the media-hyped pandemic that never materialized from the Swine Flu in 1976, there were 25 deaths reported from a rushed vaccine which led to the government removing that shot from the market.

As for the COVID-19 jabs, McCullough said “its unprecedented how many deaths have accrued,” and that’s based on the unreliable numbers from the CDC. Studies in the past, including one from Harvard University, have estimated only 1 to 10 percent of vaccine deaths are ever reported. If that holds true for the COVID-19 shots, the deaths are at least in the tens of thousands if not the hundreds of thousands.

McCullough described a coverup and whitewashing from the medical bureaucrats who have never treated a patient, like career-bureaucrat Anthony Fauci, with help from the media.

“There is a Trusted News Initiative which is very important for Americans to understand,” McCullough said. “This was announced Dec. 10, and this is a coalition of all the major media and government stakeholders in vaccination where they are not going to allow any negative information about vaccines to get into the popular media because they’re concerned about vaccine hesitancy, that if Americans got any type of fair, balanced coverage on safety events then they simply would not come forward and get the vaccine.

McCullough has been censored as a doctor who not only treated COVID-19 patients but also had the virus and survived himself, but the government-approved opinions continue to be foisted to the top. McCullough testified to both the U.S. Senate as well as a Texas State Senate Health and Human Service Committee last November, and he said: “There’s not a single media doctor on TV who has ever treated a COVID Patient. Not a single one. Theres not a single person in the White House Task Force who has ever treated a patient.

Many other doctors have issued warnings including Dr. Charles Hoffe, of Canada, who defied a gag order to speak out. A nurse in the United Kingdom described the vaccination push as a “genocide,” and a senior member of the UK’s National Health Services board agreed.

If I had a magic wand, it would just stop. It would stop now, before we hurt anybody else. That would be amazing,” the board member said. “That would be the best day ever, because every day I wake up, I think about how I can find that golden nugget to try and wake up the people around me to the damage we are causing.

Msg ID: 2691686 The Jab +3/-9     
Author:There really isn't a single
6/6/2021 7:15:52 PM

Reply to: 2691683

sentence in that crackpot story from where ever it came from that isn't an exaggeration or outright bullsh*t.

Msg ID: 2691692 The Jab +6/-0     
6/6/2021 7:20:58 PM

Reply to: 2691686

There are 8 references listed. My bet is you were too lazy to refer to them.

Msg ID: 2691699 The Jab +2/-7     
6/6/2021 7:34:52 PM

Reply to: 2691692

oh if it lists a "reference" that of course means it's entirely factual lol retard

Msg ID: 2691740 You can't reason with people like him +4/-4     
6/7/2021 9:15:06 AM

Reply to: 2691686

Rational thought and reasoning is not part of their thought process. They believe in conspiracy theories 

Msg ID: 2691785 The Jab +4/-0     
Author: Not good
6/7/2021 2:55:32 PM

Reply to: 2691686

Msg ID: 2691724 The Jab +0/-0     
6/7/2021 12:55:01 AM

Reply to: 2691683
So don't get the shot.

Msg ID: 2691738 You are incapable of rational thought +5/-2     
6/7/2021 9:14:24 AM

Reply to: 2691683

You conveniently forgot to mention the tends of thousands of deaths the vaccine has prevented

You forgot that hundreds of millions have been vaccinated safely in the USA

As with any vaccine, there will be some adverse reactions, but you need to put your math cap on:

How many has it helped and how many has it hurt?

How many of the "Adverse reactions" were people dying of natural causes are things that would normally happen to the population

You are naive, but there are many naive people out there

If this headline doesn't give you a glimpse of what the vaccine is doing, then you should consider insering your head back into the sand where it seems to have been


Msg ID: 2691747 Zero Deaths attributed to the mRNA vaccine (NT) +1/-5     
Author:Get off your conspiracy sites
6/7/2021 9:41:53 AM

Reply to: 2691683

Msg ID: 2692254 "Follow the science..." "it was all just happening and we didn't (NT) +0/-0     
Author:have much information yet...."
6/11/2021 9:09:30 AM

Reply to: 2691747

Msg ID: 2691749 Did you know... +3/-4     
Author:The G Mail Guy
6/7/2021 10:59:07 AM

Reply to: 2691683

Did you know that if you started your forum for paranoid anti-vaxxers  you could cantact like minded individuals and not bother the rest of us with your obsession.

Msg ID: 2691784 Did you know... +5/-0     
Author:Yes I do
6/7/2021 2:50:25 PM

Reply to: 2691749

Msg ID: 2691802 Did you know... +0/-2     
Author:what's weird is
6/7/2021 6:11:57 PM

Reply to: 2691784

it's supposed to be no worse than the flu but this guy says millions died from not getting hydroxychloroquine.

Msg ID: 2692267 First rule in posting someone else's writings is... (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Provide a source citation!
6/11/2021 12:13:07 PM

Reply to: 2691683

Msg ID: 2692649 No The First Rule Is Don’t Assume They Are (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Someone Else’s
6/14/2021 6:55:14 PM

Reply to: 2692267
