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Author: You’re all so dense   Date: 2/20/2025 10:14:38 AM  +14/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Doesn’t matter what airframe. The reason the warning of OGE / Ground ops or / Hover is due to the snow accumulation on the airframe / roof in front of the inlets. When moving to forward flight after extended periods of hovering the air can remove this build up and it has the possibility to cover the inlet / filters / or go right into the compressor if there is just a screen. This has happened numerous times, especially in the utility world where lots of time is spent in a hover.

The things you learn from experience, and not from a book……

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Future EC135 / EC145 +7/-2 Snow Bunny 2/19/2025 6:12:35 AM