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Metro OT

Metro OT  

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Author: True...   Date: 1/1/2025 9:21:05 AM  +8/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Years and years ago, the operation I was employed would only give $100.00 extra for an additional shift.  No extra for anything exceeding 12 hrs.  We were still in the legal "Back side of the clock" Part 91 return legs which would easily take us into the 16th hour.

All the pilots got together one night and had a meeting.  We all agreed that none of us would accept any additional shifts.  This required the Chief Pilot to cover an open shift at one of the 4 bases.  The Chief Pilot got his a## handed to him and the company soon changed the tune for O/T compensation.

It worked for all of us at the time...Happy New Year!!!


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Metro OT +0/-2 Metro 12/31/2024 9:24:37 AM