And, New (2013) also shows that there is no 14 hr duty limit, as things
Author: Ur Date:
12/11/2024 3:14:48 PM +3/-0
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missing the point. Just because "14 hour duty day" is not written as such you must read the regs in-total to get the idea as to what is, and isn't. The rest periods required establish a defacto 14 hour duty day - talk to FAA Legal and you'll get the little string of logic you need to understand this. Ur arguing a totally moot point and indicating the fact you are not reading the regs as an intertwined body, which is what almost all law happens to be. One statement affects others, which is why writing new regs is not a simple chore. |
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Attention: There Is No 14/hr Duty Day Limit!!
+9/-18 There is a 10hr look back 11/29/2024 10:46:03 AM