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NOBODY, is following (c)! You are not operating under (c)

NOBODY, is following (c)! You are not operating under (c)  

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Author: Wow   Date: 11/29/2024 6:48:51 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

How can you be so insanely wrong about something? Are you sure you're even in an aviation career? I guess under 61.123 I got my commercial pilot cert by just being operating under (a), none of the other sections apply huh?

This board is insane. No wonder you don't understand how 24 - 10 = 14.

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Attention: There Is No 14/hr Duty Day Limit!! +8/-18 There is a 10hr look back 11/29/2024 10:46:03 AM