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Attention: There Is No 14/hr Duty Day Limit!!

Attention: There Is No 14/hr Duty Day Limit!!  

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Author: 135.267   Date: 11/29/2024 6:30:39 PM  +5/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

So then the FAA didn't intend to say there is a 14 hour limit??...

§ 135.267 Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Unscheduled one- and two-pilot crews.

(c) A flight crewmember's flight time may exceed the flight time limits of paragraph (b) of this section if the assigned flight time occurs during a regularly assigned duty period of no more than 14 hours

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Attention: There Is No 14/hr Duty Day Limit!! +8/-17 There is a 10hr look back 11/29/2024 10:46:03 AM