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EC135 P3

EC135 P3  

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Author: OCONUS IP   Date: 11/19/2024 2:41:56 PM  +11/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I've been flying helicopters since 1983 and have lots of time in as many different types.  They all fly basically the same, but have different "personalities."  That's why you have to get qualified in the different aircraft, and get "differences training" even with the same aircraft type.

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EC135 P3 +3/-5 New to P3 11/19/2024 11:04:04 AM
           EC135 P3  +11/-1 OCONUS IP 11/19/2024 2:41:56 PM
                 EC135 P3  +2/-1 just helicopters  11/19/2024 4:42:41 PM
             EC135 P3  +1/-0 No? 11/26/2024 10:18:00 AM
       EC135 P3  +6/-0 and... 11/20/2024 9:01:39 AM
         EC135 P3  +1/-1 nobody has answered 11/20/2024 12:21:29 PM
         EC135 P3  +0/-2 Anonymous  11/20/2024 1:16:31 PM
       EC135 P3  +4/-0 MTC HAA 11/20/2024 8:14:43 PM
           EC135 P3  +4/-0 IP 11/23/2024 11:21:53 AM
             EC135 P3  +1/-0 New to P3 11/23/2024 7:06:54 PM
       EC135 P3  +1/-0 EC135 11/27/2024 6:43:51 PM