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Waiting on FAA medical decision

Waiting on FAA medical decision  

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Author: pilot   Date: 11/14/2024 2:29:39 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Also had an issue and was on wait. First, The Medical branch of the FAA is not the worst run area of the Federal Government. It shares that title with most of the agencies. Most of the Federal Government is poorly run. In fact anyone who has dealt with any Federal Agency will say that the one they deal with, the IRS FBI DOD VA and many others, is the worst.

With that stated, your congressman is there for this very thing. So is your Senator, your Governor can not help you but they are still the governor of a state and they may also give advice. Call a law office that deals with the Medical branch of the FAA, they may be able to help. Finally, put pressure on your FAA examiner, most of them are not there for us like they should be in times of trouble. But, you paid them to help you, in time of good AND bad. Don't let them off the hook. They discovered something and they should be helping you. Report them to your state medical board if they don't.

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Waiting on FAA medical decision +0/-0 Dreamer 11/12/2024 3:52:04 PM