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Phoenix Chidrens Vendor

Phoenix Chidrens Vendor  

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Author: PHI will not    Date: 11/8/2024 12:53:25 PM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

honestly running this program on a single engine Astar over the mountainous terrain is dumb...PHI didn't get it and used to have a EC 135. They got rid of it when it was at Sky Harbor years ago...said the heat didn't work with it...typical managers thinking they know everything...Anyway, I hope they do get their own program and put a S76 out there...would be a good bird for those long legs instead of a Astar..Don't think MTC will bid on it unless they do with a EC 145 or Newer 135 which they might...AMC doesn't have anything with power anymore...and maybe Metro.  PHI S76 are ragged and they ran out of 145/135 from the GOM side to give them...

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Phoenix Chidrens Vendor +0/-1 Curious 11/6/2024 6:06:27 PM