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But, there are LOTS of fatal accidents where pilot error was cited

But, there are LOTS of fatal accidents where pilot error was cited  

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Author: Anonymous   Date: 11/4/2024 11:33:27 PM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"It's all in your head", Rotor Torque Autumn 2014

Extreme main rotor teetering or
blade flapping’ becomes a
possibility when:

  • The pilot loses sufficient rotor
    rpm (Low RPM Rotor Stall)
  •  Low ‘G’
  • Over-controlling during
    continued flight in severe
    turbulence, when the pilot tends
    to get behind the helicopter in control inputs, causing those
    inputs to become ever larger.
  • Over-controlling when flying
    fast, and in particular, fast and
    light in turbulence when even
    relatively small control inputs
    can make things happen very,
    very, quickly

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The Robinson is not a semi rigid like Bell +12/-2 Why it’s junk 11/4/2024 2:44:25 PM