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The truth about phi everyone is afraid to say

The truth about phi everyone is afraid to say  

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Author: The OG Dude of all Dudes   Date: 6/28/2024 9:31:50 PM  +10/-5  

I'll just say it, because everyone else is afraid to. phi (yes, caps excluded on purpose) is not the big bad bully on the block anymore in the GOM, and has not been for quite some time. Too many years of being obsessed with trying to succeed internationally has allowed the base to fade away. In my humble opinion, direction from Private equity has made it worst by trying to prop up a house of cards in an attempt to go public and cash out on their investment. Smoke and mirrors and everyone sees it. The Emperor has no clothes. 

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The truth about phi everyone is afraid to say +10/-5 The OG Dude of all Dudes 6/28/2024 9:31:50 PM