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Feel underpaid

Feel underpaid  

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Author: Do the math….   Date: 5/31/2024 11:13:25 AM  +10/-7   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You do realize that people have a tendency to "over state" things right?  A quick Google search and read some pro pilot forums and you will find the " average " netjets FO maled 101-128K. Either this person is not average or they are stretching things.... Also 1st yr netjets FO is not a 1st year position. Probably at least 3-5 years into a career at a minimum.  Most helicopter pilots are not far off that number at the same point in their journey. 

Ive found I'm a lot happier in life if I just focus on what I enjoy and don't bitch about what it looks like someone else is getting. Especially on "self reported" things. Ever paid much attention to a FB feed.  What you see is often far from reality...

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Feel underpaid +10/-4 You are 5/31/2024 10:50:50 AM