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Visharrrdddd blah recovery

Visharrrdddd blah recovery  

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Author: Sure   Date: 5/29/2024 10:47:46 PM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

ill answer....

1st, you're not moving the're moving the rotor disk which moves the AIRCRAFT...

2nd, it doesn't matter WHAT way you move the aircraft out of said AIR, once the advancing side is in clean air, then you're good to go....depending on what way the blades are spinning will dictate what direction resolves the MRVR faster.

3rd, you have to LOWER the power / PITCH if altitude permits. 

MRVR is not the same as SWP no matter what your r22 instructor says.


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Visharrrdddd blah recovery +2/-2 Anyone 5/26/2024 11:49:41 PM