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Visharrrdddd blah recovery

Visharrrdddd blah recovery  

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Author: Vee Are Esser   Date: 5/29/2024 10:22:40 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Full-blown VRS is scary, we get it.  But VRS never happens way up high.  Rather, it's usually at the bottom of an f'ed-up approach. In incipient VRS, the key is to get air moving sideways through the disk again.  Mssr Vuichard reminds us that you can use the tail rotor thrust to help push the helicopter sideways, which allows you to lose less altitude than with the conventional "reduce power, push forward and hope you have enough altitude to recover" procedure.  That he put his name on the technique is odd.  I mean, a helicopter pilot with a big ego?  Say it ain't so!

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Visharrrdddd blah recovery +2/-2 Anyone 5/26/2024 11:49:41 PM