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Phi step raises this month

Phi step raises this month  

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Author: They use to be under ONE certif    Date: 4/3/2024 8:56:00 PM  +2/-7   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

And merged to separate them back around 2012 Due to business reasons, budgets and due to AMG dragging down their safety status on OSHA recordables and Olil companies look at bottom line OSHA status when bidding on a vendor.  Won't ever happen the merge again.  Easier to sell off.  I see them being sold off soon by their investor group.  Ratty old aircraft now, old 407/EC/ and legacy model B3 astars.  They haven't bought a new aircraft in probably 8yrs.  The HEMS side gets all the old OG stuff they have surplused and GMR and AMC bought up all the slots for Bell/Eurocopter 

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Phi step raises this month +0/-1 Mechanic  4/2/2024 7:52:46 PM