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"Time for a Chest X Ray"

"Time for a Chest X Ray"  

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Author: Nauseous Damous   Date: 11/7/2023 12:01:44 PM  +10/-2  

I'm retired now, but grew up in the age when the only place you didn't smoke was church. I quit 27 yrs ago and yet the effects of all those years of smoking have come home to roost.  I have joined the infamous "Cancer  Club" and my membership into the club came by a simple chest x-ray after a niggling cough 2 months ago. This was followed by a "CAT Scan, PET Scan and finally a biopsy confirming what I already feared.

Hopefully my fix will be on the 20th when I meet a surgical robot "RATS" who will remove the cancer and give me the chance to meet my maker by a different means.

The bottom line guys is that a simple chest x-ray can give you and your family peace of mind or if a problem exists the chance to fix it.



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"Time for a Chest X Ray" +10/-2 Nauseous Damous 11/7/2023 12:01:44 PM