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Helicopter Industry is a joke

Helicopter Industry is a joke  

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Author: at this point   Date: 6/27/2023 11:36:46 AM  +19/-3  

Work HAA 7/7 plus tons of OT to get close to 150K a year.

Utility, away from family a lot no real schedule, better pay but life balance not good.

Offshore, OK pay, good schedule, terrible location and more travel.

News, Lots of on call terrible work life balance, pay subpar.

After 20-30 years of flying, little retirement unless you're a miltard, bad back, no hearing, some cool stories.

If you went Airlines, work 20-30 years, get free travel anywhere in the world, absolutely great retirement, own your on aircraft, fly for yourself, get to go pee without landing in a field, coffee enroute, etc.

yah we are so cool  

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Helicopter Industry is a joke +19/-3 at this point 6/27/2023 11:36:46 AM