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NTSB footage of PC12 crash

NTSB footage of PC12 crash  

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Author: anony   Date: 2/28/2023 4:08:38 PM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

It may be out of frame but the right wing missing the outboard half while the left side and intact is not a good sign.  Aircraft looks like it came down flat and pancaked, no ground scars leading up to it and it certainly didnt tumble in.  That adsb data of the consistent right hand descending turn and the last part of the track looked like a sort of floundering about make me think that servere turbulence snapped the end of the right wing off.  Will be obvious when we find out where the rest of that wing is located.  Not a damn thing he could have done once that happened.

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NTSB footage of PC12 crash +1/-0 Not much left 2/28/2023 12:09:10 PM