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We get it, you’re old! Should have made better choices if you

We get it, you’re old! Should have made better choices if you   

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Author: Really?   Date: 2/13/2023 9:54:43 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Your turn is coming and I bet your chances of being like everyone else working as long as possible as a pilot will be exactly like the norm.  We hear about pilots cashing in early and taking up other occupations but very few do so successfully irrespective of their insistence concerning their superior intellect and capabilities.  The one that cracks me up most is a pilot professing he'd have become a neuro surgeon if not for his helicopter passion.  


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Once age 60, then 65, proposed 67 +5/-1 Up and up, all ARBITARY criteria! 2/11/2023 8:26:05 PM