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CNN & FOX News both

CNN & FOX News both  

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Author: AME   Date: 2/2/2023 10:52:42 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Word from my AME last week when I got mine was OKC was getting the EKGs by the hundreds for class 1s failing. They all showed similar traits so they moved the bar so these failures would stop happening. They will never admit the cause, it would be mass fraud, and they would never paint themselves into something sinister. It will keep happening. If more and more items pop up these airline captains fail for, you will see more guidances change. They cannot afford their mistake to be brought to light. 

the FAA would rather the pilot suffer thru issues, than approve simple meds that would help, cause no safety issues, etc....


but then they will approve for mass scale a vaccine that's never been tested, without any long term studies, etc, for all us aviators no issue. 

and yet you can't even take simple allergy meds and fly......sure makes sense to me....

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CNN & FOX News both +9/-8 Anyone else 2/1/2023 8:31:37 PM