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Delta pilots pay & benefit agreement

Delta pilots pay & benefit agreement  

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Author: Pay increase +++   Date: 12/7/2022 1:08:51 PM  +13/-0


This afternoon, after over three and a half years of negotiations, the Negotiating Committee (NC) reached a comprehensive Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) with Delta management. The agreement will improve the value of our PWA by 45%, and represents over $7.2B of cumulative value increases over the next four years.      
<span>The agreement contains dozens of individual work rule improvements, with upwards of 25% of the value of the agreement dedicated to quality-of-life related items, and no concessions.    &nbsp; 
The following is a summary of many of the major items in the comprehensive AIP:
What about any other improvements?
While the above list is extensive, there are numerous other work rule, pay, and benefit improvements that have been secured during the last three and a half years of negotiations. This summary is not an exhaustive list, and other improvements will be included in future communications. Importantly - there are no concessions in this agreement.
What&rsquo;s Next?
A set of Negotiators’ Notepads covering the comprehensive AIP in more detail will be forthcoming. Once final contract language is agreed upon, the AIP becomes a Tentative Agreement (TA) for consideration by the MEC. A meeting will be convened at which time the MEC will be briefed, in open session, on every detail of the TA.
Following that open session briefing, the TA will be made available to the membership. If the MEC votes to approve the TA and send it to the membership for ratification, you will see a schedule of road shows, webinars, and other presentations. In addition, a Pro/Con paper from the MEC will be drafted and published prior to the opening of the membership ballot.
While it has been an exceptionally long road to this agreement, your consistent engagement, unity of purpose, and determination has been the catalyst to achieve this generational improvement to our PWA. There is still much work which must be completed prior to making these hard-fought gains permanent.
Please stay engaged and watch for additional communications in the near future.
Fly Safe,
Eric, Brandon, and Rich
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Delta pilots pay & benefit agreement +13/-0 Pay increase +++ 12/7/2022 1:08:51 PM