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Question about getting into HEMS "Order your body bag first."

Question about getting into HEMS "Order your body bag first."  

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Author: olderendirt   Date: 10/20/2022 1:37:59 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

16 years in HEMS. No more dangerous than any other helicopter job if you make it as safe as you wish it to be. Weather changes, that's the nature of weather. Have a plan to survive that and use the plan ASAP.

Yes, you get called out at oh-dark thirty for a random place. Yes, the pressure is on for an expeditious acceptance and departure. Proper preparation and knowledge are the first steps to safety, but careful, cautious  and conservative evaluation of ad hoc scenes is your ticket to going home with an intact helicopter. I don't know the cliché origin, but: When in doubt there is no doubt- don't do it! 

It was hard for me to adapt to the very, very, very slow and cautious approaches coming from a hundred landings a day job.... But it is the only way: creep in- yeah, you're hanging on the engine. But that's better than hanging on a wire.

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Question about getting into HEMS +0/-0 OP 10/18/2022 9:52:08 AM