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HAA Insurance

HAA Insurance  

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Author: Metro   Date: 10/11/2022 10:28:47 PM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You mentioned Metro in your post is why I'd like to address them only,

Metro does not participate in any kind of insurance program. Their business model

has no stand alone programs and are normally associated with hospital based programs. Metro is NOT involved in the billing of patients. 

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HAA Insurance +0/-0 Curious 10/11/2022 7:10:35 PM
       HAA Insurance  +1/-4 They Sell Policies In Areas They 10/11/2022 8:31:55 PM
       HAA Insurance  +0/-1 Metro 10/11/2022 10:28:47 PM
       HAA Insurance  +0/-2 Bottom line 10/12/2022 6:07:18 AM
         HAA Insurance  +0/-1 Whatever helps you sleep… 10/12/2022 9:43:24 AM
           HAA Insurance  +0/-1 I'm curious too 10/12/2022 5:40:25 PM
             HAA Insurance  +0/-1 You Remembered Your lol, And 10/12/2022 6:11:54 PM
           HAA Insurance  +0/-1 You don’t  10/12/2022 6:15:17 PM
             HAA Insurance  +0/-1 no, he doesn't 10/12/2022 6:21:02 PM
               HAA Insurance  +0/-1 Wrong Again, But Try Again Weirdo 10/12/2022 6:25:46 PM