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Beware before choosing HAA base

Beware before choosing HAA base  

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Author: Have to disagree   Date: 9/16/2022 6:10:30 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Shift change at 6 means leaving events very early or getting home once they're almost over.  Shift change at 8 means getting to actually see events before work during night shifts.  


I have done 6, 7, and 8.  8 was the best.  


as far as beating traffic, that will all depend on exactly where you live and work.  At my first base, 8 was perfect for avoiding traffic.  At my current base, 7 is best and 8 would be a nightmare 

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Beware before choosing HAA base +3/-4 Anonymous  9/14/2022 11:48:28 AM