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Author: The lol bro dude never has taken   Date: 9/11/2022 5:47:56 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

A fuel sample on preflight. Doesn't know how to.

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(No Subject) +0/-2 Why 9/11/2022 11:42:40 AM
       (No Subject)  +0/-2 If You Want Better Pilots, Recruit  9/11/2022 11:44:08 AM
         (No Subject)  +3/-1 what airline pilot wouldn’t jump 9/11/2022 11:56:57 AM
           (No Subject)  +0/-2 Heli pilot 9/11/2022 12:21:34 PM
             (No Subject)  +3/-1 yeah preflight  9/11/2022 12:29:01 PM
               (No Subject)  +2/-1 The lol bro dude never has taken 9/11/2022 5:47:56 PM
         (No Subject)  +0/-0 That 9/11/2022 4:10:29 PM
       (No Subject)  +0/-0 cheap 9/11/2022 2:18:04 PM
       (No Subject)  +0/-0 Seem? 9/19/2022 6:18:44 PM