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Ear Plugs

Ear Plugs  

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Author: hdanderson   Date: 9/6/2022 2:48:01 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I purchase Light Industries Ear plugs, soft foam bright orange ones.  These are rated at 33db noise reduction and should work well.  For the best protection, get a Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR) or more commonly known as an ANR (automatic noise reduction) system installed in your helmet/headset for the best protection possible. I developed a 40% hearing loss while in the army in 1981 and started using ear plugs to save what I had left.  Retired in 95 with no additional hearingn loss.  Added an ANR to my fixedwing flying and installed an anr in my flight helmet in 1993 and in every helmet I purchased since then. Still flying and keeping my hearing.  Shop around for anr systems, Bose, Lightspeed, and Hedsets Inc.  Best I have had for rotarywing is the Lightspeed system, worst was Headsets Inc. system.  Bose is good for me in fixedwing and Lightspeed for helos.

Hope this helps:  Still rearing after 57 years in the air!@

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Ear Plugs +0/-0 What's best 9/3/2022 10:49:58 AM