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White coat syndrome ??

White coat syndrome ??  

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Author: -----   Date: 5/9/2022 8:59:44 PM  +13/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The easiest way to lower your blood pressure is to hyperventilate (not literally) for a few minutes before you go in. Breathe in and out deeply and fairly rapidly for 2-3 minutes ... Try it at home first, then measure your BP, then see how much lower it went

Second thing - When you take your BP, make sure you are sitting down for at least 10 mins...

Third, do NOT let your hand go lower than horizontal. If you are sitting up and your hand is lower than your heart, your blood pressure will be higher

Also, try to lean back in the chair - don't cross your legs

Eat a Banana in the morning - The potassium may also lower it


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White coat syndrome ?? +8/-1 Physical due soon 5/9/2022 8:54:50 PM