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Hedonic adaptation

Hedonic adaptation   

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Author: don't be ga   Date: 4/24/2022 5:20:25 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

on culture and survivability PHI AMG used to be tough to join...the Overthrow of Big AL by the AMG team of idiot PHI is at the Bottom of the list of any operator to work for....AND yes, i work for them as well...used to be a great company to work the upper management just pats each other on the back and jerks each other off when they screw up or loose long term contracts they have had...absolutely disgraceful how management has destroyed this company....on the last conference call the PRESIDENT of AMG himself called the air medical side a "ambulance company".....not even a aviation the conference call....


BTW, since they announced Lake Jackson opening (spifr) and Flagstaff and other bases to open, where has that gone??? been over a year since they announced it and say that you are opening new bases and when closing bases just balances out your numbers...doesn't make you at least 6-7 more bases to close this year....They are run like a small local storefront....not like a corporation...

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Hedonic adaptation +12/-1 Dammit will one person come back 4/22/2022 1:26:16 PM